` Icetips Article Index
Icetips - Templates, Tools & Utilities for Clarion Developers

Templates, Tools and Utilities
for Clarion Developers

Icetips Article Index

Generate Article index
  ABC (117)   ASP, PHP, HTML, Web development (2)
  Browses and Listboxes (7)   Clarion 6 (15)
  Clarion 6.1 (3)   Clarion Environment (IDE etc.) (4)
  Clarion in general (44)   COM (19)
  Email, FTP etc. (2)   Files, drivers etc. (6)
  Functions (2)   Installations - Setupbuilder (3)
  Non-Development (2)   OLE/ActiveX (6)
  OOP (17)   Other Languages - using Clarion with... (2)
  Par2 (1020)   Reports, Printing, Printers (7)
  Setup Builder from Lindersoft (3)   SQL Related Articles (77)
  Templates (49)   Third Party (2)
  Windows API (99)   Windows Operating Systems (6)
  XML (2)  

  Icetips Product articles
ABC, 117 articles
Date Article Author
2007-02-06 Fix flicker on windows Arnor Baldvinsson
2006-10-05 Derive the FileManager class Bjarne Havnen - Aditech As
2006-03-03 Locators on browses with header sort enabled Michael Ware
2006-01-18 Edit in place font issues Arnor Baldvinsson
2004-12-03 Changing OpenMode for all tables Robert Peros
2004-02-04 Set a value in a browse without a form or Edit in Place Arnor Baldvinsson
2003-05-05 Define to let the compiler report unused variables Jason S
2003-01-30 Conditionally setting globals external Steve Rothkin
2002-12-31 Restoring several history fields when inserting a new record John E Singer
2002-11-29 Reordering columns in listboxes with support for EIP Dennis E. Evans
2002-11-25 Derive FileManager object Jim Gambon
2002-11-07 Resetting a browse to a field value Gus M. Creces
2002-09-27 Preventing window from closing Dennis E. Evans
2002-07-02 Resaving buffer after priming Jim Kane
2002-05-26 Checking if a form record has changed Geoff Spillane
2002-04-09 Using the Error Manager class to log errors Russell B. Eggen
2002-04-03 Using derived BufferFieldsClass to change listbox colors Dennis E. Evans
2002-04-02 Assigning filenames to Alias files Maurice L. Pilotte
2002-03-19 Conditionally disable EIP on a column Dennis E. Evans
2002-03-01 Resetting a browse to a manually entered record Jeff Slarve
2001-12-02 Selecting a record from a browse by double clicking when in select mode Dennis E. Evans
2001-11-26 Position a child browse on saved value Dennis E. Evans
2001-05-11 Overriding Delete method to mark record deleted instead of physically deleting it Dennis E. Evans
2001-05-07 Saving and restoring record buffers Jim Kane
2001-04-17 Resetting filters Richard Rose
2001-04-03 Positioning highlight bar on record with known values Dennis E. Evans
2000-12-31 TakeRecord updated docs from TS (C5) John Broadwater
2000-12-31 Updating file buffer on a form Rick Martin
2000-01-19 Updating file and browse in ABC versus Legacy Ole-Morten Heien
1999-12-23 Finding places where files are closed without calling the close method (C5) Scott Ferrett
1999-12-22 C5B - Open and Close method problem - fix Mike Hanson
1999-08-13 Template to add tooltips to EIP fields Dennis E. Evans
1999-08-04 Defining a dropdown for Edit in Place at runtime Ron Wilson
1999-08-04 Passing QBE filter to a report Russell B. Eggen [topspeed]
1999-07-21 Passing Relation Manager to a class Phillip Carroll
1999-07-13 Embeds after calling update form from a browse Roberto Artigas Jr
1999-07-03 Scroll to top of child browse automatically Dennis E. Evans
1999-05-15 Drag and drop between browses Jim Kane
1999-04-26 Window not open error on empty reports Lee White
1999-04-24 Using Record identifier on a form - no clip used Arnor Baldvinsson
1999-04-05 Setting incremental locators to show uppercase Jim Kane
1999-04-04 Scrolling to top or bottom of browse queue Dennis E. Evans
1999-04-02 Controlling return from form to browse Jim Defabia
1999-04-02 Implementing a Drop List in Edit-In-Place in C5A Jay Guengerich
1999-04-02 Locators for additional sort fields Jim Kane
1999-03-31 EIP using drop downs Jay Guengerich
1999-03-31 Fixing GPF when there are no records to print in reports Geoff Bomford
1999-03-31 Updating related files with parent file Dan Pressnell
1999-03-30 Template change to allow parameter passing to forms Ken Wagner
1999-03-30 Using multiple update procedures Dennis E. Evans
1999-03-06 Must be in list implementation in drop down Carlos San Miguel
1999-03-04 Some discussion on include file problems (C5) Fobert J. Lerner
1999-03-03 ABC method to scroll in a listbox Dave Harms
1999-02-23 Code to use FileManger to add to DOS files with bytecount Jim Kane
1999-02-16 Illegal Instruction problem and a fix (C5) George Lehmann
1999-02-15 Speeding up ABC applications Vince Sorensen
1999-02-10 Moving records up or down Jim Kane
1999-02-05 Return use variable for entry controls Jon Waterhouse
1999-01-26 Selecting field on a form at startup Steve Parker
1999-01-20 Forcing upper case in EIP Jim Kane
1999-01-19 Figuring out the methods and the documentation Arnor Baldvinsson
1999-01-12 Unresolved dll - problem discussion Alexey Solovjev
1999-01-11 Using FileDropCombo in EIP Bob Gaucher
1999-01-09 Creating EditSpinClass for Edit in place Bob Gaucher
1999-01-08 Range limiting and filtering Dennis E. Evans
1999-01-05 Embed for double click handler in browse Jim Kane
1999-01-05 Priming records on insert Jim Katz
1998-12-31 Retrieving whole records on lookup David A. Bayliss
1998-12-31 Using filtered locators Dennis E. Evans
1998-12-30 Updating multiple files when closing form Jim Kane
1998-12-27 Default to yes button on confirm delete Jim Kane
1998-12-15 Using FileManager methods in source procedures Barky@lansharks.com (keith Barkenhagen)
1998-12-14 Overriding error class to log errors to file Joseph Lucas
1998-11-17 Pre-selecting start point in a browse Bill Owen
1998-11-14 Getting rid of No Records to Process message Scott E. Buchanan
1998-11-11 Conditionally use form or edit in place Jim Defabia
1998-11-11 Declaring popup menus using abc classes Jim Katz
1998-11-02 Autoincrement on alias files Jim Gambon
1998-10-26 Printing x number of copies of a report André Kamhin
1998-10-25 Coding event handling for individual fields Jim Kane
1998-10-24 Updating a Table in Form when browsing a SQL view Jerry Norman
1998-10-21 View bug fix for ABBrowse template (C4) Jim G
1998-10-18 Fix to lookup browse not placed correctly Geoff Bomford
1998-10-09 Selecting bottom row in browse at startup (C4) Jorgen Aabech
1998-10-07 Inner join bug fix for reltree (C4) Jon Waterhouse
1998-09-28 Duplicating entire record in multi-insert form Steven C. Gallafent
1998-09-08 Making sure a file is actually closed (C4) Jim Katz
1998-09-07 New sort order for a browse Jim Katz
1998-09-04 Descending or ascending sort order Dennis E. Evans
1998-08-30 Apply button for forms Jerry Norman
1998-08-29 Multidlls with multiple dictionaries Nik Johnson
1998-08-28 EIP forcing required fields Richard Taylor
1998-08-27 Update button on a form Jim Katz
1998-08-26 Window not open error on empty reports Jeremy Soronen
1998-08-19 Stopping confirm delete message (C4) Wim Nijland
1998-08-18 Error 37 on a browse procedure Jim Katz
1998-08-14 Disable popup in browse Jim Katz
1998-08-09 Small demo template Jim Dennison
1998-08-08 Dynamic filtering on browse Jerry Norman
1998-08-07 Filtering reports Jim Dennison
1998-07-20 Window manager closing sequence Jon Waterhouse
1998-07-17 Forcing updates of blob fields only Richard Taylor
1998-07-17 Problem in SetQueueRecord method (C4) Tom Ruby
1998-07-16 Disable update buttons Kevin B. Erskine
1998-07-12 Disable button if no records in browse Jeff Slarve
1998-07-10 Delaying the PrimeAutoInc method Nik Johnson
1998-07-08 Disposing a listbox queue before closing window Jeff Slarve
1998-07-07 Making the No button default on deletes Rick Martin
1998-07-06 Setting print preview window pallette John Broadwater
1998-06-29 Field data types being passed as any Jim Katz
1998-06-22 Dynamic pool limit in appbc files (C4) Wesley Coleman
1998-06-22 Resizing report details Markku Niskanen
1998-05-14 How to use your own abc derrived classes in new apps Richard Taylor
1998-04-25 ABC Process procedures - some OOP information Russell B. Eggen
1998-04-23 Simple filtering in ABC process Russell B. Eggen
1998-04-20 How to turn off popup menu in ABC browses (C4) John Broadwater
1997-10-20 Filtering with code in ABC templates Richard Knowley
ASP, PHP, HTML, Web development, 2 articles
Date Article Author
2003-01-22 Getting data out of TPS using ASP and ODBC Brian Staff
2002-11-18 Install zip for PHP and MySQL Ubaidullah Nubar
Browses and Listboxes, 7 articles
Date Article Author
2004-06-20 Checking for records in the browse Arnor Baldvinsson
2004-03-09 Using a queue reference in a listbox Jim Gambon
2002-12-02 Drawing a box in a list James Cooke
2002-04-04 Conditionally hiding columns and fix for EIP when hiding Jock Springer
2002-03-24 Selecting a cell Bruce Johnson
2002-03-23 Setting styles for individual cells Steve B.
2002-03-03 Form without a browse Jim Kane
Clarion 6, 15 articles
Date Article Author
2004-11-16 Bring window to front Rick Martin
2004-03-12 Keep track of all threads Don Wood
2004-03-03 Scrolling RTF control - addition Dennis E Evans
2004-03-02 Workaround for problems when running under XP Steven Sitas
2004-03-02 Scrolling RTF control Dennis E Evans
2004-02-17 Logout and Commit hangs when using long filenames additional Scott Ferrett
2004-02-16 Frequent GPFs in IniMgr.Kill in Clarion 6 Gold Kevin Erskine
2004-02-09 Logout and Commit hangs when using long filenames Randy Rogers
2003-02-10 Compile directives to indicate version Also
2003-01-21 MulDiv Alexey Solovjev
2003-01-21 Threading issues with files in methods - 1 Alexey Solovjev
2003-01-21 Threading issues with files in methods - 2 Alexey Solovjev
2002-12-15 Threading - 1 Andy Ireland
2002-12-15 Threading - 2 Andy Ireland
2002-12-15 Threading - 3 Andy Ireland
Clarion 6.1, 3 articles
Date Article Author
2005-02-02 Bin Packing Algorithm to find out best use of material Michael Ware
2005-02-02 Bin Packing Algorithm to find out best use of material - Links Jim Gambon
2005-01-20 MDI Synchronization tips Steven Sitas
Clarion Environment (IDE etc.), 4 articles
Date Article Author
2004-01-21 Template debugging Sebastian Streiger
2004-01-21 Segment errors - cause and ways to help Robert Zaunere
2004-01-16 Checking for winsock version Jim Kane
2003-08-09 Controling where generated files are placed Arnor Baldvinsson
Clarion in general, 44 articles
Date Article Author
2006-06-09 Calculate distance based on global position Len Lutz
2006-02-10 Passing procedures as parameters Larry Sand
2005-02-02 Constructing simple RTF text Nick Coe
2005-02-01 Placing page break into RTF text in Clarion Dennis E. Evans
2005-01-11 Compiling multi-dll project into a Locally linked EXE Arie Rens (radventure B.v.)
2005-01-07 New and Dispose Robert Peros
2005-01-06 New and Dispose Maurice L. Pilotte
2005-01-06 New and Dispose Jim Kane
2004-12-26 Passing queue by address for updates Shankarj
2004-10-26 Passing multiple parameters as Group Jim Gambon
2004-09-28 Encryption with Blowfish Gary James
2004-09-28 Encryption with Blowfish Guy Cauwenbergh
2004-07-20 Adding Copy - Cut - Paste to entry fields Robert Peros
2004-06-30 Creating a dll without any procedures Bob Foreman
2004-06-23 Remove directory and all subdirectories Sean Cameron (capesoft)
2004-06-16 Finding end position of a StrPos search using Regular Expressions Michael Ware
2004-06-05 Using Section to include datatypes and equates in multi-dll projects Bjarne Havnen
2004-05-19 Use Macromedia Flash as a front end for an application Val Raemaekers
2004-05-04 Keystates Guy Cauwenbergh
2004-04-17 Using Notify to help open multiple docked toolboxes Jim Gambon
2004-04-03 Getting subfolders into a queue Bjarne Havnen
2004-03-12 Reference variable to get a value from an address Brent Stock
2004-03-11 Memcpy to get a value from an address Paul Attryde
2003-08-31 Create a string reference and disposing of it Alexey Solovjev
2003-07-30 Extracting an image list out of web page Jeff Slarve
2003-06-25 Dynamic strings using iDynStr interface Dennis E. Evans
2003-04-02 Companies using Clarion Rocky Phelps
2003-03-15 Popup menu font styles 3 Carl Barnes
2003-03-13 Popup menu font styles 2 Mark Goldberg
2003-03-13 Popup menu font styles 1 Carl Barnes
2003-02-02 Pre-populating HTML form from client side Jtdunn01740@attbi.com (john Dunn)
2002-12-31 Implementing Live Update Unknown
2002-12-17 Copying data from string to cstring without triggering non-thread safe RTL calls Andy Ireland
2002-12-17 Copying data from string to cstring without triggering non-thread safe RTL calls Andy Ireland
2002-12-16 Loading clarion DLL and execute a procedure Andy Ireland
2002-12-16 Loading clarion DLL and execute a procedure Andy Ireland
2002-11-04 Closing all files and cleaning up with one call Gordon Smith
2002-08-31 Using very big arrays by creating them in C Ole-morten Heien
2002-08-27 Who What and Where Russell B. Eggen
2002-08-12 Play mp3 files or any other media files using an OLE control Jim Kane
2002-07-12 Completing a webform from Clarion John Dunn
2002-07-10 Converting number to hex Andrew Ireland
2002-03-07 Poor mans client server package Michael Gould and Ron Jolda
2002-03-03 Converting hex oct or bin to decimal using Evaluate Doug
COM, 19 articles
Date Article Author
2004-02-23 Connecting to object Ra Van Raaphorst
2004-01-18 Uninitalizing COM objects 3 Andy Ireland
2004-01-18 Uninitalizing COM objects 2 Andy Ireland
2004-01-17 Uninitalizing COM objects 1 Carl Barnes
2004-01-16 Creating a COM object Jim Kane
2004-01-16 Example Carl Barnes
2004-01-15 Example 1 Andy Ireland
2004-01-15 Example 2 Carl Barnes
2004-01-15 Example 3 Andy Ireland
2004-01-14 Example of COM to create shortcuts Carl Barnes
2003-05-15 Starting an instance on NET from Clarion using COM - followup Andy Ireland
2003-05-14 Starting an instance on NET from Clarion using COM Jim Kane
2002-12-30 Link to article on MSDN about OLE and COM Ronald Van Raaphorst
2002-12-29 Constructing Interfaces 4 Andy Ireland
2002-12-29 Constructing Interfaces 3 Andy Ireland
2002-12-29 Constructing Interfaces 2 Andy Ireland
2002-12-28 Constructing Interfaces 1 Andy Ireland
2002-12-19 When a OLE is needed and when an interface is needed Jim Kane
2002-12-10 Link to FAQ on Microsofts website about XML Steve Johnson
Email, FTP etc., 2 articles
Date Article Author
2003-08-12 Checking for valid email address Jim Kane
2003-08-08 MAPI compared to SMTP Gus M. Creces
Files, drivers etc., 6 articles
Date Article Author
2004-04-08 ODBC driver resources Gavin Webb
2004-04-06 Database design articles Bjarne Havnen
2004-03-10 Registry settings to minimize TPS corruption Richard Rose
2004-03-08 Using who and where to update a field based on the fieldname Michael Ware
2003-05-08 Loop a file within a loop on that same file Michael Ware
2002-04-05 Link to MS page about oportunistic locking Jeff Slarve
Functions, 2 articles
Date Article Author
2004-06-04 Replace function Jonathan Kay
2004-06-04 Replace function Maarten
Installations - Setupbuilder, 3 articles
Date Article Author
2005-02-12 Creating a web updated install Jean-Pierre
2005-02-08 Creating a web updated install Friedrich Linder
2005-01-20 Using dll to fill a combo box at runtime Friedrich Linder
Non-Development, 2 articles
Date Article Author
2002-03-04 Reduce hard drive noise Dave Harms
2002-03-03 Reduce fan noise Dave Harms
OLE/ActiveX, 6 articles
Date Article Author
2005-10-12 Use Word for spellchecking Peter Halbert
2004-07-06 MS-Word defines - how to find Jim Kane
2004-07-05 MS-Word mail-merge code Peter Kirk
2004-07-05 MS-Word mail-merge code 2 Peter Kirk
2004-07-02 MS-Word mail-merge macros Chris Rybitski
2004-04-16 Writing text to MS-Word document or template Glenn Rathke
OOP, 17 articles
Date Article Author
2004-12-29 Validating an Email address Maarten
2004-11-30 Add scroll wheel support to Icetips Previewer David S Beggs
2004-08-17 Turning capslock on Bob Foreman
2004-07-29 Subclassing and passing class reference via window property Jens Weiermann
2004-03-25 Opening threads from a class Jim Kane
2004-03-25 Opening threads from a class Robert Peros
2004-01-10 Creating a reference to a class and interface Jim Gambon
2003-04-26 Better OOP part 8 Dan Pressnell
2003-04-24 Better OOP part 7 Dan Pressnell
2003-04-23 Better OOP part 6 Dan Pressnell
2003-04-21 Better OOP part 5a Dan Pressnell
2003-04-19 Better OOP part 5 Dan Pressnell
2003-04-13 Better OOP part 4 Dan Pressnell
2003-04-12 Better OOP part 3 Dan Pressnell
2003-04-12 Better OOP part 2 Dan Pressnell
2003-04-12 Better OOP part 1 Dan Pressnell
2002-03-23 About Interfaces Dennis E. Evans
Other Languages - using Clarion with..., 2 articles
Date Article Author
2002-11-28 C++ Calling clarion functions from VC Jim Kane
2002-11-28 C++ Calling clarion functions from VC Ville Vahtera
Par2, 1020 articles
Date Article Author
2014-11-14 Multi-Line Listbox headers Lee White
2014-08-13 Sleep API Steve Parker
2014-05-29 Do not print page header on first page of report Lee White
2014-01-04 Data DLL without extranious exports Sandro Gasparetto
2013-11-05 Disable Minimize and Maximize bodes Khin Choy Chin
2013-11-04 Calculate scroll bat widths Lee White
2013-09-26 Variable variable size when passed by parameter Larry Sand
2013-08-29 Disable (Hide?) Minimize button on window with an icon Heinz Kalmbach
2013-08-10 Displaying more than 64k in a Text control Graham Dawson
2013-07-09 Conditionally by-passing report preview - legacy Lee White
2013-06-27 Current User Desktop Folder Dave Nichols
2013-01-07 MS SQL record locking Duppie
2012-09-12 C8: Could not copy warning Vernon Smith
2012-09-10 Changing code-page (character set) at run time Robert Rickerts
2012-05-21 Positioning the mouse cursor Lee White
2012-05-16 Split out high and low 16 bits in Long Stamos Fafalios
2012-05-10 How to select a printer device with ABC's EIP Russ Eggen
2012-05-07 Greenbar on Report Abe Jimenez
2012-04-22 Chaining reports Alan de Wet
2012-04-04 Email address format verication Sean Hennessy
2012-04-03 SQL connection string over Internet John Griffiths
2012-04-01 Continuous page numbering between reports Graham Dawson
2012-03-15 Monitor folder for changes Bjarne Havnen
2012-03-15 Using MessageHook Graham Dawson
2011-09-15 Is the active window the Frame? Mark Goldberg
2011-09-04 Force file drop to drop Carl Barnes
2011-08-26 How to detect if an exe is running Jens Matschke
2011-08-23 Hide or disable Minimize button Carl Barnes
2011-08-18 Setting bits in a Byte Bob Roos
2011-08-18 Running IC and WB in IE9 Markus Steinwender
2011-05-27 Get initial value of field using DCT trigger (or FileManager) Rick Martin
2011-05-05 Decimal to fraction Geoff Robinson
2011-04-25 Message hooks Graham Dawson
2011-03-31 Memo slicing Paul Anderson
2010-12-07 Local Procedure in a class John Dunn
2010-12-01 Edit-in-Place: Trapping Delete Dennis Evans
2010-11-25 Select browse header in code Richard Rose
2010-11-19 Variable name for Prop:SQL Dennis Evans
2010-11-12 Passing large amounts of data to a STARTed procedure Scott Ferret
2010-07-28 Decrease memory useage Zdravko
2010-06-21 Synchronize time to server Ubaidullah Nubar
2010-05-28 Setting response Pierre Tremblay
2010-05-15 Print current record, before saving Maarten Veenstra
2010-04-22 Turn off tool tips Lee White
2010-04-14 UTC and Time server Richard Rose
2010-04-01 Crystal date J Shankar
2010-03-21 Blink text Ikrami Sami
2010-02-21 Convert TPS to SQL Server table, 5 easy steps Ikrami Sami
2010-02-01 Conditionally enable/disable drag and drop Dennis Evans
2010-01-14 Put watermark on all reports Graham Dawson
2010-01-06 How to change from using AutoInc to doing it myself Ashley Stahl
2010-01-06 Close another thread Lee White
2009-12-08 SMTP Email with Messaging templates Ron Schofield
2009-09-11 Reverse key browse, switchable Paul
2009-08-28 Trapping "X" out of a browse (template) Roberto Artigas Jr.
2009-08-20 Getting MS SQL identity value Mark Riffey
2009-07-13 Get Reference to record buffer Jeff Slarve
2009-07-01 Reading Excel files with ODBC (DSNless connection) J Shankar
2009-06-23 Updating variable in app frame Lee White
2009-06-22 Opportunitic locking in Vista and Server 2008 Richard Dafler
2009-06-08 Force update of RTF control David Wilkin
2009-05-30 Write to status bar and change status bar color Maarten Veenstra
2009-05-01 Priming locator Andy Kaczmarczyk
2009-04-15 "Freezing" last column in a browse Ron Eisner
2009-04-10 Running HTML file from Clarion Bernard Grosperrin
2009-04-10 Distance between two zip codes (longitude/latitude method) David Bratovich
2009-04-03 User control of locator types Dennis Evans
2009-03-27 How to tell mouse has left Clarion window David Bratovich
2009-03-17 Finding If A Specific Open Window Apps Exists Robert Price
2009-03-13 Edit in Place: action after file i/o Dennis Evans
2009-03-12 Who's logged on -- SQL J Shankar
2009-03-02 Detect Internet connection Arnor Baldvinsson
2009-02-20 PDF class fix for large font on desktop Arnor Baldvinsson
2009-02-19 MS Access connection string Carl Sumner
2009-02-16 How can I detect whether a PDF-reader is installed Simon Kemp
2009-02-11 Get application's icon Lee White
2009-02-03 Make window stay on top Kevin Erskine
2009-01-14 DNSless Access Connection Pratik Patel
2009-01-14 Getting connect string from Clarion Geoff Bomford
2008-09-05 Change progress bar color Brett Carnaby
2008-08-24 Batch adding records Paul Howard
2008-08-21 Proper case names Randy Goodhew
2008-05-27 Report Output to PDF without user interface Terry Davidson
2008-05-21 Changing MDI/SDI behavior at runtime Maarten
2008-05-21 Changing MDI/SDI behavior at runtime Lee White
2008-04-25 Set NumLock from Clarion app Daan Marais
2008-04-15 Changing Frame text from thread Lee White
2008-03-26 Silent errors Maarten
2008-03-06 Buttons on a list J Shankar
2008-01-29 Report Title Page Geoff Bomford
2008-01-28 Sizing a listbox Gustavo Pinsard
2008-01-16 Automatically size listbox columns Mauricio
2008-01-11 Event Order on ASP .NET WebForm Kevin Erskine
2008-01-10 Report to PDF without preview Rick Martin
2008-01-04 IP Driver: Set data path Ron Jolda
2008-01-02 Lines per page Lynn Howard
2007-12-31 Autocomplete Sean Cameron
2007-12-18 Print only first page of a report Harry Bennett
2007-12-18 Print only first page of a report Arnor Baldvinsson
2007-12-15 Acting after a delete is confirmed Paul Howard
2007-12-10 Totalling a computed field in SQL J Shankar
2007-12-09 SQL alternative to CHOOSE Jim Gambon
2007-11-29 MySQL script to create "Country" table Johan van Zyl
2007-11-14 Finding highest of three values Randy Goodhew
2007-10-23 ABC - How do you know Header is pressed? John Christ
2007-09-28 String replacement function Peter Hermansen
2007-09-25 Address Validaton Brett Carnaby
2007-09-11 LIKE in a "derived" file declaraton Randy Goodhew
2007-09-11 Prevent prompt text from wrapping Dan Presnell
2007-08-28 Hiding MS-SQL error window John Griffiths
2007-08-08 Thread of caller Arnor Baldvinsson
2007-06-28 Using PROP:SQL to get readable values Geoff Bomford
2007-06-25 Edit in place: Conditionally enable/disable column Bjarne Havnen
2007-06-23 Quick susbtitute for SQL Tracing -- getting PROP:SQL as generated Dan Presnell
2007-06-22 Checking Nulls in MySQL Geoff Bomford
2007-06-15 Rounding to quarter / halfs J Shankar
2007-06-15 Rounding to quarter / halfs Paul Howard
2007-06-07 Bigger font on messages Russ Eggen
2007-05-13 ErrorCode After Fetch() Scott Ripley
2007-03-02 Set Processor Affinity Bjorn Holm
2007-02-28 Set processor afinity Carl Barnes
2007-02-01 Create PRJ from APP John Christ
2007-01-10 Upper casing incremental locator Carl Barnes
2006-12-18 Get and change window position Jeff Slarve
2006-12-15 Limiting number of characters entered in a field Larry Sand
2006-12-01 Thread Limiter template with optional user notification Theo von Solms
2006-11-08 Update status text from procedure Lee White
2006-11-08 Update status text from procedure Maarten Veenstra
2006-10-31 Autorun CD with Clarion program Danie de Beer
2006-10-22 Disabling red "X" Dennis Evans
2006-10-18 Parsing Clarion times Randy Goodhew
2006-10-04 Update file from browse without an update procedure Bjarne Havnen
2006-09-14 Tool tip timers Niels Thomsen
2006-09-14 Tool tip timers Charles Edmunds
2006-09-12 Emailing attachements with ShellExecute Lee White
2006-09-07 Is file open? Dennis Evans
2006-09-06 Op Locks article from Microsoft Charles Edmunds
2006-08-11 Runtime encryption of TPS files Pratik Patel
2006-08-06 Change print job name for RW reports Robert Barton
2006-07-31 Bible Study A.N. Other
2006-07-27 SQL Connection Strings Pierre Tremblay
2006-05-28 Multiple window layouts Bjarne Havnen
2006-05-01 Previewing report with "no records" band Lee White
2006-04-25 Senior Moment A.N. Other
2006-04-25 Who Am I? A.N. Other
2006-04-12 Prison vs. Work A.N. Other
2006-04-12 Getting Even A.N. Other
2006-04-12 Passover A.N. Other
2006-04-12 Finklestein & Jesus A.N. Other
2006-04-12 The Coach A.N. Other
2006-04-12 Literary Taunts A.N. Other
2006-04-12 Get (Jewish divorce) A.N. Other
2006-04-12 Malachi 3:3 Steve Parker
2006-04-12 Performance reviews A.N. Other
2006-04-12 Only a guy would do this -- the pocket taser A.N. Other
2006-04-12 Passover A.N. Other
2006-04-12 Puppy size A.N. Other
2006-04-12 The Assassin A.N. Other
2006-04-06 LIKE in a "derived" file declaraton Mark Goldberg
2006-03-27 Using SelStart and SelEnd to select entire field Kelly Major
2006-03-14 Display a message when an entry locator does not match Dennis Evans
2006-03-09 Forcing a formfeed in a report Bruce Johnson
2006-02-22 Setting Connection String programmatically J Shankar
2006-02-13 How to start threads automatically at startup? Lee White
2006-02-02 Minimize window in another app Ville Vahtera
2005-12-12 Print header bank only on first page (title page) Edvard Korsbaek
2005-12-07 DNS-Less connection Geoff Bomford
2005-11-21 When browse totalling occurs Bjarne Havnen
2005-11-04 Set Sort Header in code Michael Ware
2005-10-12 Linking images into apps Richard Rogers
2005-09-22 Toolbox Jonathan Kay
2005-09-13 Greenbar in reports Gerardo Sanchez Suarez
2005-09-13 Greenbar in reports Geoff Bomford
2005-09-05 Priming locator Dennis Evans
2005-08-23 Change font in Clarion IDE Udo Cizelj
2005-08-15 Get version number from Version Resource Template Brent Stock
2005-08-05 TPS file error 530: TPS File corruption Sean Stockbridge
2005-07-22 Dynamically disabling Edit in Place Dennis Evans
2005-05-14 Trapping duplicate key error (ABC) Dennis Evans
2005-05-13 Toggle status bar on/off Lee White
2005-03-30 Taskbar text David Bratovich
2005-03-24 Swedish rounding Jorg Fakler
2005-03-24 Swedish rounding Greg Bailey
2005-03-10 Sync physical file with IMDD Paul Blais
2005-03-07 Start app without appearing in toolbat John Christ III
2005-03-02 Appbroker under W2003 David Bell
2005-02-22 Acting after UpdateProcedure Jim Gambon
2005-02-03 Change Background color on appframe Jim Gambon
2005-01-26 Delete minimize button John Christ III
2005-01-04 How To Determine The Record Successfully Insert When Press OK Button Maarten Veenstra
2004-12-30 Display last 4 characters of a string Jonathan Kay
2004-12-20 Runnig a process in the background Tim Phillips
2004-12-20 Running a process in the background Lee White
2004-12-20 Reading Directories Jason S
2004-12-17 Pervasive compliant DDFs Al Henry
2004-12-10 IP Driver: Variable file name Bob Foreman
2004-12-09 Retaining row after auto inc add (SQL) Andre Englebrecht
2004-12-09 Stardates (crossing midnight) Greg Bailey
2004-12-08 Variable database names using the IP Driver Mike Pickus
2004-12-01 Image in button Paul Blais
2004-11-18 Using Jim Kane's Print Class with receipt printer Greg Sayler
2004-11-12 Get regional settings Steve Lewis
2004-10-26 Readonly spinbox Colin Wynn
2004-09-23 ReportWriter and SQL Vince Crosby
2004-09-14 Getting errorcode ABC John Dunn
2004-09-01 Access an array of bytes as a long Stamos Fafalios
2004-09-01 Embedding font in an app David Bratovich
2004-08-26 Procedure, Module and App name template Mike Hanson
2004-08-05 Locating (finding) a file Danie de Beer
2004-07-27 Prevent white screen after switching to another app and back Terry Steadman
2004-07-21 Binary strings in MS SQL Bruce Johnson
2004-07-20 Diabling controls at window INIT Greg Bailey
2004-07-05 Test for a bit value Randy Goodhew
2004-06-24 DYMO DDE expample Jolda Ron
2004-06-11 Trigger to convert MS SQL date to Clarion date Leslie Dean
2004-06-07 Getting ErrorCode from ABC Methods Dennis Evans
2004-06-07 Getting Errorcode from ABC method Carl Sumner
2004-06-03 Title bar hieght Arnor Baldvinsson
2004-06-03 Using CHAIN.COM in XP Francis Vleeracker
2004-06-03 Using CHAIN.COM in XP Arie Rens
2004-05-03 Decimal to Fraction Michael Ware
2004-05-03 Decimal to Fraction Geoff Robinson
2004-03-22 DSN-Less connection for Firebird Tony Lam
2004-02-04 Forcing web page to print Brian Staff
2004-01-30 Enable/disable controls Pierre Tremblay
2004-01-26 MySQL Connection string Timo Multanen
2004-01-23 Algorithm to determine leap year Randy Goodhew
2004-01-14 Assigning icon to popup item Arnor Baldvinsson
2003-12-10 Notes on logout Jim Kane
2003-12-08 Print directly to printer Bjarne Havnen
2003-11-18 Working with 2 or 4 Decimal Places Ray Goudie
2003-10-24 Getting an application to auto-dial Simon Burrows
2003-10-24 Conditionally disable Edit in place Rick Martin
2003-09-21 Getting window position Lee White
2003-09-06 Getting Envirnoment variables John Christ III
2003-09-02 Detecting internet connection Paul Attryde
2003-08-26 Modifying RED file Danie de Beer
2003-08-19 Compiler flags Kevin Erskine
2003-07-22 Making a form read-only at runtime Ray Goudie
2003-07-19 BEEPing the speaker George Curtis
2003-07-16 COPY('*.std','stdfiles.clm') Greg Berthume
2003-06-29 How to take over whole screen Ole-Morton Heien
2003-06-26 Converting Windows 8-byte date-time Ole-Morton Heien
2003-05-30 Keep APP on top John Christ III
2003-05-27 Geting GMT/UTC from Windows Scott Ripley
2003-05-25 Delete: Sequence of events Michael Ware
2003-05-22 Getting local time zone information Derek Noffke
2003-05-14 ShellExecuteEX prototype John Christ III
2003-05-08 Running a resource compiler during Make Jeff Berlinghoff
2003-05-06 Embed before closing Progress Window Dennis Evans
2003-05-04 Disabling Edit In Place on the fly Ignacio Moreno
2003-04-04 Calculating Fiscal Year Michael Ware
2003-03-20 Progress during build Ben Kim
2003-03-16 Resetting a file drop at runtime Charles Edmunds
2003-03-10 MS SQL Computed Fields Vernon Jay Godwin
2003-02-20 Chain in XP Ramon Reed
2003-02-12 Conditionally underline row in listbox Michael Ware
2003-02-04 Create (deep) directories Jeff Slarve
2003-01-30 Week of year -- ISO 8601 Paulo Theodoro
2003-01-30 Has Edit in Place field changed? Justin Cole
2002-12-29 Clarion Threads: Relation manager Owen Brunker
2002-12-27 Clarion threads: workaround Owen Brunker
2002-12-11 Copy all files in one directory to another John Christ
2002-12-05 Duplicate parent records in browse Andy Stapleton
2002-11-12 Tab and pipe delimiters for ASCII files Sam
2002-11-01 Select browse row without clicking Masayuki Hino
2002-10-31 Source code DLL using APP Bjarne Havnen
2002-10-29 Making a demo Randy Goodhew
2002-10-13 Multilanuguage capabilities Tanya Lumkis
2002-10-05 Locator: entry found? Dennis Evans
2002-10-03 Changing report paper size at runtime Darron Pitman
2002-10-03 Changing report paper size at runtime Sandro Gasparetto
2002-09-25 EqualBuffer to determine if record has changed Maarten Veenstra
2002-09-18 Alternate way to avoid "No records" message Richard Rose
2002-09-10 Starting MDI window from frame Richard Taylor
2002-09-10 Turning off tooltips Andrew Guidroz II
2002-09-04 Detecting Drive A: Jeff Slarve
2002-08-28 Where "Confirm Delete" message happend Dennis Evans
2002-08-23 Months between dates Michael Ware
2002-08-08 Computer Serial Number Ville Vahtera
2002-08-06 Equates for SHGetFolderLocation Mark Sarson
2002-08-02 MASK a single control Richard Taylor
2002-07-23 Download file from Internet Tor Stokkan
2002-07-16 Print one record from form Greg Wajszczuk
2002-07-09 RGB to html/xml/css/xslt stream Stephen Bottomley
2002-07-09 RGB to Clarion color values Leonid Chudakov
2002-07-08 Priming FLD Patrick Plummer
2002-06-27 Sync time to server Ville Vahtera
2002-06-27 Determining Leap Year Kurt Pawlikowski
2002-06-27 Determining Leap Year Maurice Pilotte
2002-06-22 Network: Are other stations working? Jim Kane
2002-06-07 Inner join displays repeated (parent) records Dennis Evans
2002-06-07 Resetting incremental locator after update form Gert Heijnen
2002-06-06 Opportunistic locking Roberto Artigas Jr.
2002-05-31 Override a Range at runtime Dennis Evans
2002-05-30 Converting VB dates Randy Rogers
2002-05-30 Clearing filter locator Dennis Evans
2002-05-25 Dynamically Dimensioned Arrays Randy Goodhew
2002-05-20 Bind error: Which field? Ronald van Raaphorst
2002-05-19 Creating EIP drop list at runtime Bjarne Havnen
2002-05-16 Display image (in own window) Lynn Howard
2002-05-16 Email attachments Christian Jurca
2002-04-24 List box totaling Rick Martin
2002-04-24 Comparing REALs Randy Goodhew
2002-04-11 Receiving OUT parameter in SQL Anywhere Frank Vestjens
2002-04-11 DOS files in XP David Beggs
2002-04-08 Capturing WMFs in a report Jeff Slarve
2002-04-05 Check directory/create directory Ville Vahtera
2002-04-04 Converting Clarion Date to Crystal Steve Sitas
2002-04-01 Large integers (64 bit) in GetDiskFreeSpaceEx API call Paul van Drunick
2002-03-26 DSN-less connections ("programmatically add DSN") Glenn Rathke
2002-03-21 Distance between two points Ken Bame
2002-03-20 Increasing system capacity for use with broker Michael Brooks
2002-03-11 Setting form action at runtime Bjarne Havnen
2002-03-05 Writing to user's "My Documents" directory Steven Gallafent
2002-02-28 Copy record while on form Alex Bierregaard
2002-02-22 Clarionnet: emulating MDI Kevin Erskine
2002-02-22 Speeding file opening: Class mod James Harper
2002-02-21 Simple search in a browse Arnor Baldvinsson
2002-02-10 Substitute locator Chet Sapino
2002-02-08 ABC: Sequence of events Dennis Evans
2002-01-29 Running CW Apps in Windows CE Bob Campbell
2002-01-24 TPSFIX commandline parameters Kelvin Chua
2002-01-19 Preventing caching of web pages Ville Vahtera
2002-01-03 Remove INI file section John Christ III
2002-01-03 Connecting to db on other machine Mark Bayles
2002-01-02 Progress bar color David Bratovich
2001-12-15 Short file names/FNSplit Arnor Baldvinsson
2001-12-12 Broker on Advanced Server 2000 Don Kim
2001-12-10 Print image without resizing image Larry Teames
2001-12-07 Locator without a key Dennis Evans
2001-12-05 Creating local function libraries Maurice Pilotte
2001-12-04 A crash couse in TCP/IP Johan van Zyl
2001-12-04 Exit windows API call Josh Landin
2001-11-29 Passing a queue Randy Rogers
2001-11-29 Derive a method Rick Martin
2001-11-26 Number of Days in a month Lew Strock
2001-11-26 EIP required fields and lose focus event Dennis Evans
2001-11-25 Extracting strings from text Ray Goudie
2001-11-23 Send report output to word Kevin Erskine
2001-11-23 Op Locks registry settings Alex Bierregaard
2001-11-16 Bold popup item Stig Elde Mikkelsen
2001-11-16 Incremental locator delay Kevin Erskine
2001-11-06 Getting a File Directory lookup using the DOSFileLookup control template Craig Ransom
2001-11-05 Strip characters out of a string Dennis Evans
2001-10-27 Cast a string to a number using built in type conversions Carlos Gutierrez
2001-10-25 Conditionally suppress detail band for "subtotal" report Mark
2001-10-25 User selection of any key for a report Mark
2001-10-24 Create scrolling buttons (template) Al Sierra
2001-10-24 Embed point for Report Group footer Mark
2001-10-04 Variant Andrew Ireland
2001-10-02 RUN a DOS program from w2k Benjamin Dell
2001-09-29 How to tell whether a field has been changed (Legacy) Dennis Evans
2001-09-24 Federal Holiday (U.S.) Function Marty Mohr
2001-09-23 Installed fonts Benjamin Dell
2001-09-22 Control logout at procedure level Dennis Evans
2001-08-23 Locate on non-indexed field Dennis Evans
2001-08-17 Topspeed ODBC with ASP Brian Staff
2001-08-15 Returning a Decimal type from a function Alan Telford
2001-08-14 Crystal report dates from Clarion dates James Harper
2001-08-09 Reseting FLD queue at runtime Jon Waterhouse
2001-08-06 Using Clarion dates in Excell Peter Rens
2001-08-04 Running totals in browse John Singer
2001-07-31 Where, What Jeff Slarve
2001-07-31 Where, What Dennis Evans
2001-07-06 Opportunistic locking in NT Bob Brooker
2001-07-02 Report: When did user preview? Dennis Evans
2001-07-01 Win 9.x performance settings Andrew Guidroz II
2001-06-28 Accessing files on other servers Jim Kane
2001-06-27 Message when cancelling parent but child changed George Lehman
2001-06-21 Word 97 DDE syntax Oddmar Dam
2001-06-08 Locator for secondary file in a browse Dennis Evans
2001-06-08 Passing values from a window to a skeleton Michael Boston
2001-06-06 Button as toggle switch Richard Rose
2001-05-21 Appending reports Rick Martin
2001-05-09 Update two copies of a file in separate folders Rick Martin
2001-05-01 Get Path components Jeff Slarve
2001-04-27 Locator on a queue Robert Pupazzoni
2001-04-24 Logging ABC errors to file Bruce Johnson
2001-04-10 Set filter for all sort orders Douglas Johnson
2001-04-04 Disable write caching Marius Luidens
2001-03-25 Oracle connect string David Potter
2001-03-23 Clear File Loaded Drop Box Josh Landin
2001-03-18 Setting up Windows 2000 for Clarion Compatibility Don Redd
2001-03-13 Testing for batch or standard insert mode Jim Katz
2001-03-07 IC opening files on another server Dave
2001-03-07 Getting OS version Richard Brisslinger
2001-03-02 Template to print procedures in a project/project tree Roberto Artigas Jr.
2001-03-01 IMM processing on a control Russ Eggen
2001-02-28 Force horizontal scroll of child list Marius Luidens
2001-02-14 Menu separator with text Maarten Veenstra
2001-02-13 Get Web Builder Temp Directory Simon Brewer
2001-02-10 New record validation extension template Ronald van Raaphorst
2001-02-06 Converting string to ASCII using Evaluate Kurt Pawlikowski
2001-01-18 Get procedure name - template Marc van Roosmalen
2001-01-17 Get procedure name Jeff Slarve
2001-01-17 Week of year Julian Martin
2001-01-17 Week of year Michael Euler
2001-01-17 Week of year Pascal Gulikers
2001-01-17 Week of year Tommy Stubberud
2001-01-17 Week of year Kevin Dunsford
2001-01-16 Stardate Greg Bailey
2001-01-16 Navigation buttons on a form Juanro
2001-01-12 Conditional range limit Dennis Evans
2001-01-10 Print a blank line on a report Larry Teames
2001-01-08 String Encryption Algorithm Randy Goodhew
2001-01-08 Using Javascript variables in Skeletons Michael Boston
2001-01-07 Checking is app running in Teminal Services session Edin Cahtarevic
2001-01-03 Creating an autorun CD Rich King
2000-12-30 Ensure POST method used instead of GET method Steve Parker
2000-12-28 Multi-field locate funtion Jeff Slarve
2000-12-27 Disable file drop skeleton modification Gordon Holfelder
2000-12-21 Returning to pages outside your site Jeff Slarve
2000-12-20 Bit manipulation (BAND) Tom Leech
2000-12-18 Recursively add/delete directories James Cooke
2000-12-17 Run program with specified file James Cooke
2000-12-14 Starting app with file selected in Windows Explorer Larry Sand
2000-12-13 Number to binary (hex or octal) Randy Rogers
2000-12-10 Make app SDI Kevin Erskine
2000-12-07 Action on web server timeout Michael Boston
2000-12-02 Close browser from app Jeff Slarve
2000-11-29 Can't access files on another PC using DLL broker Jim Kane
2000-11-14 Clarionet Connect App Kevin McHugh
2000-11-10 SetFilter() Alex McCullie
2000-11-05 Avoiding the blue screen of stop Craig Ransom
2000-11-02 Duplicate record log Larry Sand
2000-10-31 Windows reserved keys Ralph Johnston
2000-10-26 Timeout notice before web app times out Jeroen Bass
2000-10-26 Determining current sort order Jim Kane
2000-10-25 "Files" in Windows ME Andy Weed
2000-10-18 Restarting app Rick Martin
2000-10-12 MSDE install instructions - Part I Greg Berthume
2000-10-12 MSDE install log (Part 2) Greg Berthume
2000-10-10 Playing sound files on the web Garry Mitchell
2000-10-08 Accessing program variables in skeletons Simon Brewer
2000-09-29 Highlight selected line in list box skeleton Michael Boston
2000-09-19 Converting Dirctory() dates to standard dates Udo Cizelj
2000-09-18 Events in an entry field Hans-Joerg Mettig
2000-09-17 Tool tips on Web Builder Menus Michael Boston
2000-09-17 Sending email in Web Builder apps Michael Boston
2000-09-07 Time Equates Randy Goodhew
2000-09-06 Call MDI procedure from Frame's INIT Michael Ware
2000-09-05 Browser exit instead of timeout Michael Boston
2000-08-29 Sending user to another web site (WB) Garry Mitchell
2000-08-26 Images as links in skeletons Michael Boston
2000-08-24 Displaying queue in a listbox Maarten Veenstra
2000-08-16 GreenBar Jim Katz
2000-08-08 Ensure POST method used instead of GET method Lee White
2000-08-08 Link a Button Jim Katz
2000-08-05 Function to proper case a name Bob Campbell
2000-08-01 Printing to Adobe PDF Lee White
2000-07-21 How to tell whether a field has been changed Dennis Evans
2000-07-20 Create a PDF in Clarion Bob Campbell
2000-07-17 How to determine whether file is opened Todd Wilkins
2000-07-12 Make a button a hyperlink Maria Reumkens
2000-07-11 Preventing left-right scroll Lee White
2000-07-08 Setting GlobalResponse in a Window Steven Gallafent
2000-07-06 OLE with Excell Davor Maric
2000-06-30 BRW Resets Maarten
2000-06-29 CheckOpen for ABC Todd Wilkins
2000-06-28 Checking for EOF in a browse Dennis Evans
2000-06-22 Edit in Place data validation Geoff Bomford
2000-06-15 Making a button a link and execute its embeds Sebastian Talamoni
2000-06-14 Redirect in a skeleton Antonio Miranda
2000-06-14 Controlling horizontal scroll bar in code Maarten
2000-06-12 Get computer name, user name API Lesnak Filip
2000-06-12 Convert time to UTC Rick Smith
2000-06-09 Locking out ESC key Jim Kane
2000-06-08 Spell checking a memo Ray Dummer
2000-06-07 Print a "no records" band Chris Cordes
2000-06-05 Obtain value of a variable in a skeleton Sebastian Talamoni
2000-05-31 Oracle views and errorcode 47 Bruce Wells
2000-05-31 Closing all open windows Randy Goodhew
2000-05-31 Variable file names in Report Writer Kevin Vokes
2000-05-31 Variable file names in Report Writer Mike Linnen
2000-05-31 Function to delimit strings for filters Alexey Solovjev
2000-05-19 Getting document referrer in Web Builder Michael Boston
2000-05-18 ShellExecute an email from code Christian Jurca
2000-05-16 C function to capitalize sting Alison Neal
2000-05-13 Links in tables: Skeleton Michael Boston
2000-05-12 Inheriting and using MS Word Dictionary and Spell Checker Oleg Chernov
2000-05-11 Determining fields in current sort order Dennis Evans
2000-05-11 Starting browser using ShellExecute James Cooke
2000-05-10 Page to return to method Michael Dawson
2000-05-04 ABC Embed just before file action Dennis Evans
2000-05-02 Edit in Place: priming a drop list Russ Eggen
2000-04-25 Range limit MS SQL7 browse Thys Marais
2000-04-24 Getting record under browse cursor (making it current) Jeff Slarve
2000-04-21 Set filter once for several tabs Dennis Evans
2000-04-20 Getting user ID with WebGuard Smith Doug
2000-04-20 Installing broker in w2k Selph John
2000-04-12 Template to print app tree Roberto Artigas Jr.
2000-04-11 EIP Flowchart Harley Jones
2000-04-08 Scaling images Tom Ruby
2000-04-04 Calling Outlook using OLE Jim Kane
2000-04-03 Retaining toolbox positions between runs Kevin Erskine
2000-04-02 Default delete dialog to "No" Dennis Evans
2000-04-02 Change width of web builder control Trond Kristiansen
2000-04-01 Default delete dialog to "No" Anton Novikov
2000-03-28 Determine whether record has been changed Jim Kane
2000-03-26 Fill buffer with whole record from browse Jeff Slarve
2000-03-25 Select whole record Jeff Slarve
2000-03-24 Conditionally "disabling" locator Jim Kane
2000-03-23 Angled Strings Tom Ruby
2000-03-20 Runtime report filter Larry Teames
2000-03-20 Different page header on page 1 of a report Steve Parker
2000-03-17 Report title page (print a band once at report beginning) Anton Novikov
2000-03-17 Report title page (print a band once at report beginning) Tom Ruby
2000-03-17 Disable browse popup Dennis Evans
2000-03-16 MS Word from Clarion with DDE Oddmar Dam
2000-03-16 Network speed Dave Schwartz
2000-03-10 Listbox tagging John Broadwater
2000-03-08 Stardate (time calculations over 24 hours) Mark
2000-03-04 Button link Pratik Patel
2000-03-03 Clearing locator Josh Landin
2000-03-03 Determining client browser Christo Klein
2000-03-01 Temp Tables Scott Ferret
2000-02-24 Window title - no text but appear in window list Stephen Fulton
2000-02-23 Report design for child records Jon Waterhouse
2000-02-17 Determining a record has changed Dennis Evans
2000-02-16 Creating XML object with OLE Brett Cammack
2000-02-16 RTMP Lynn Howard
2000-02-14 Declaring an array at runtime John Welsh
2000-02-14 Using Frontpage themes with skeletons Michael Lawson
2000-02-09 Data validation -- OK button vs. TakeComplerted Kevin Erskine
2000-02-07 Time calculations greater than 24 hours Sue Pichotta
2000-02-04 Refresh web page on a timer Jim DeFabia
2000-02-03 Right align in a skeleton Dan Presnell
2000-02-01 Dynamically creating tabs Leo Goolsby
2000-01-31 AS/400 connection on the web Steve Spierenburg
2000-01-23 Setting tooltip and status bar fonts Alexey Solovjev
2000-01-22 Reusing QBE filter in a report Russ Eggen
2000-01-22 Priming locator Jim Kane
2000-01-21 Conditional Print Preview in Clarion templates Maarten Veenstra
2000-01-16 Check for multiple instances of a program Alexey Solovjev
2000-01-15 Automatically doing SetName() in a DLL Steve Parker
2000-01-14 Security for appbroker setup Jim DeFabia
2000-01-12 Saving and restoring listbox formatting Arnor Baldvinsson
2000-01-12 Saving and restoring listbox formatting -- Template James Cooke
2000-01-07 Generating autonumber key on OK Accepted Maarten Veenstra
2000-01-07 Listbox grid colors Leonid Chudakov
2000-01-06 FNSplit example Jim Kane
2000-01-06 Setting ErrorCode() Alexey Solovjev
2000-01-03 Locating on second key node Ron Childs
1999-12-23 review MS KB Articles Q129202 and Q219022 Krsitian Hyllestad
1999-12-23 Name() with Report Writer in Clarion code Kevin Vokes
1999-12-22 Mapping a network drive Leonid Chudakov
1999-12-21 Greenbar a browse Russ Eggen
1999-12-16 Making UseFile default to "old" way Mike Hanson
1999-12-14 Return values (MS SQL7 - stored procedure) Scott Ferret
1999-12-14 Conditional Page Breaks in reports Carl Broll
1999-12-08 Changing first field Steven Gallafent
1999-12-01 Multiple field range limit Anton Novikov
1999-12-01 First field required, cancelling Jeff Slarve
1999-11-28 Edit in Place and skip Craig Ransom
1999-11-21 Edit in place: resizing at runtime Jim Kane
1999-11-19 Selecting a browse record by key value Anton Novikov
1999-11-18 Opportunistic locking in NT Matt Fozard
1999-11-16 Opportunistic locking in NT Ron Wilson
1999-11-11 Assign URL to a button Gavin Halliday
1999-11-10 Making View record current Scott Ferret
1999-11-10 Where delete occurs Anton Novikov
1999-11-10 Using RUN to call Control Panel Applets (WinBatch) Krsitian Hyllestad
1999-11-09 Select column attribute Tom Ruby
1999-11-08 Starting a browse with the last record Jim Kane
1999-11-07 Trapping Esc key and preventing window exit Steve Parker
1999-11-07 Caller ID Craig Ransom
1999-11-05 Win98 style toolbar Anton Novikov
1999-11-05 Tooltips in Web Builder Jim DeFabia
1999-11-04 Report Preview: did user print or cancel Dennis Evans
1999-11-03 Using the "linked in" broker Jim DeFabia
1999-11-03 Enumerating printers Ralf Schoeffler
1999-11-01 Autonumber in Oracle Andy Stapleton
1999-11-01 Compiler pragmas: CPU optimizations Arie Rens
1999-10-28 Trapping Errorcode() 40 -- duplicate record message Charles Ballard
1999-10-27 Reply to "Use VB" Roberto Artigas Jr.
1999-10-27 Reply to "Use VB" Brett Cammack
1999-10-26 Prevent user from updating a form Bill Roe
1999-10-24 ProcedureReturn in ABC Maarten Veenstra
1999-10-23 IIS4 configuration: authentication settings Jim DeFabia
1999-10-22 Edit in Place: determining active column Dennis Evans
1999-10-04 Check for multiple instances of a program using DDE Richard Taylor
1999-09-23 Forcing a drop list to drop Russ Eggen
1999-09-22 Reversing Next and Previous to produce a reverse order browse Jeff Slarve
1999-09-18 Detecting NT from 16 bit app Mark Riffey
1999-09-14 Forcing right justified strings Chris Cordes
1999-09-09 Sorting Numbers as Strings Brett Cammack
1999-08-29 Template to set browse line height and font Khin Choy Chin
1999-08-23 Drag and Drop basics Steven Gallafent
1999-08-20 View only form (using existing form) Jim Kane
1999-08-20 Multiple File Loaded Drop boxs from a single file (FLD) Brett Cammack
1999-08-20 View only form (using existing form) -- Code Template Kevin Jackson
1999-08-18 Getting started with AS/400 and ODBC Katherine DuGarm
1999-08-18 Prop:Where vs. Prop:SQLFilter Scott Ferret
1999-08-17 Full Build templates Krsitian Hyllestad
1999-08-16 Shutdown/Reboot using ShellExecute Richard Rose
1999-08-13 Edit in Place template to add REQ, UPR, Cap and range attributes Dennis Evans
1999-08-09 Error: String data, right truncating Rick Hoffman
1999-08-05 Getting started with SQL7 Andy Stapleton
1999-08-04 Forcing browse to "select" closest record Jim Kane
1999-08-02 Template to add icons to buttons + a bunch of other button stuff Geoff Bomford
1999-08-02 Edit in place: Required fields Craig Ransom
1999-07-29 Exporting procedures from ICSTD.CLW for handcoding in Multi-DLL IC apps Chris Rybitski
1999-07-29 Using standard IC address to access CWIC apps Steve Parker
1999-07-29 Saving BLOBs Jim Kane
1999-07-29 Refresh browse with newly added, non-form, record Bill Canatta
1999-07-27 Passing a Queue to a procedure (TYPE'd queues) Shawn Mason
1999-07-27 Passing Queues as Parameters (Named Queues) A. van Ieperen
1999-07-27 Background process Jim Gambon
1999-07-26 Play MP3 file Gordon Smith
1999-07-22 Images in main frame Russ Eggen
1999-07-15 Verifying correct installation of Digital Certificates for SSL Jim DeFabia
1999-07-15 Autoincrementing at the end of a Form procedure Maarten Veenstra
1999-07-13 Adding field labels to an export file Jim Katz
1999-07-13 Embed points for file action Roberto Artigas Jr.
1999-07-10 Setting up Aliases in IIS Chris Rybitski
1999-07-09 Interfacing to WinFax Pro using DDE Leonid Chudakov
1999-07-07 VCS using the internet Scott Buchanan
1999-07-07 Sorting by clicking on listbox header Chris Behling
1999-07-07 Interfacing to WinFax Pro using DDE Richard Rose
1999-07-04 Suppress empty detail lines Don Redd
1999-06-20 PRE() on Queues and referring to queue fields Carl Barnes
1999-06-19 Deleting a file using Windows API Richard Brown
1999-06-18 Template to exclude unneeded classes Randy Rogers
1999-06-17 Printing a memo only (in footer) on final page Lee White
1999-06-12 Snappier window repaints Jerry Norman
1999-06-08 Getting the Windows directory Marius Luidens
1999-06-08 Debugging FileManager Jim Kane
1999-06-07 US & UK (A4) paper sizes in one report Lee White
1999-06-07 File not open error when file is opened Dan Presnell
1999-06-04 Make loading DLLs faster/Cover DLL load with a window David Martin
1999-06-02 Using UNC paths Ron Phillips
1999-06-02 Autoincrement adding without form George Cobaugh
1999-05-29 Creating a menu seperator at runtime John Hickey
1999-05-18 Opening app (browse) with specific record selected John Singer
1999-05-13 Procedure to get disk directory tree Chris Behling
1999-05-12 Avoiding the "double loop" John Singer
1999-05-11 Tubes Richard Rogers
1999-05-11 Multiple update forms Dennis Evans
1999-05-09 Using UNC path names Jim Kane
1999-05-08 Detecting last record in a browse Jim Kane
1999-05-07 Changing list box header color Russ Eggen
1999-05-07 POS: two ways to open cash drawer Geoff Bomford
1999-05-05 Printing a "No Records" band Lee White
1999-05-01 Setting Mask for a single control Fadi Ashi
1999-04-28 Runtime date pictures Maurice Pilotte
1999-04-27 Icon and Image only DLL Jim DeFabia
1999-04-20 Re-using routines Dan Presnell
1999-04-19 How an ABC browse is refreshed Jim Kane
1999-04-16 Deriving new PrimeAutoInc method Jim Kane
1999-04-15 Ensuring entire record of highlighted record is accessed (hot records) Jeff Slarve
1999-04-14 Java-free report preview Glenn Rathke
1999-04-13 Sorting a listbox on header click Arnor Baldvinsson
1999-04-09 Number of items in a List control Clay Meisman
1999-04-09 Covering initial program load George Lehman
1999-04-09 Covering initial program load Peter Donovan
1999-04-05 Passing parameters to forms using standard templates Matias Flores
1999-04-01 Changing default button at runtime Lee White
1999-03-31 Accessing pages too quickly (cached copies i/o actual pages) Tim Sullivan
1999-03-30 Template modification to pass parameters - C5 Ken Wagner
1999-03-26 Conditionally hiding a menu item - c5 Jim Kane
1999-03-26 Conditionally hiding a menu item - cw2 David Martin
1999-03-26 Replacing button with a link Arnor Baldvinsson
1999-03-26 Template modification to change "Ok" to "Delete" when called to delete Arnor Baldvinsson
1999-03-24 Icons in multi-DLL apps Chris Rybitski
1999-03-24 Priming Edit in Place fields Richard Taylor
1999-03-23 Auto-complete a field Jim Gambon
1999-03-22 Trapping ESC key on a window Tony York
1999-03-20 Multi field locator Parker MacDonald
1999-03-19 Creating a toolbar button at runtime Marius Luidens
1999-03-17 Replacing Windows with your app Arnor Baldvinsson
1999-03-16 Making a form read only Arnor Baldvinsson
1999-03-16 Autoincrementing after record is added Andrew Guidroz II
1999-03-14 Forcing Instring to default to 1,1 Alexey Solovjev
1999-03-12 OCX license string Kurt Paulikowski
1999-03-12 Template to create help file context strings and write to ASCII Craig Ransom
1999-03-12 OCX licensing string -- the easy way Nigel Hicks
1999-03-11 Debugger -- Conditional Breakpoint Russ Eggen
1999-03-09 What calls ValidateRecord? Dennis Evans
1999-03-08 Template modification to pass parameters - C4 Arnor Baldvinsson
1999-03-08 Acting after a delete is confirmed Jim Katz
1999-03-02 CreateDirectory API call Jim Kane
1999-02-28 Image maps without borders Steve Parker
1999-02-26 Forcing a page refresh in a Java-free app Vince Russo
1999-02-25 Reports under IE4 and IISAPI broker: setting the printer Tony Goldstein
1999-02-24 Modulo for Decimals Alexey Solovjev
1999-02-23 Automatically starting SQA driver from Clarion app Glenn Rathke
1999-02-20 Starting a procedure from a variable Paul Padilla
1999-02-19 Using Crystal Reports OCX from Clarion Chris Christenson
1999-02-15 Hard drive serial number Ken Wagner
1999-02-05 Returning multiple values from a function Jeff Slarve
1999-02-05 Returning mulitple values from a function Robert Fred Meyer
1999-02-05 Edit in Place: Conditional EIP or call the form Dennis Evans
1999-02-01 Return(Value) and Return Value Alexey Solovjev
1999-01-31 Hex to decimal conversion Eric Churton
1999-01-31 Hex to decimal conversion Lee White
1999-01-28 Duplicate() Scott Ferret
1999-01-28 Set Cookie template mod to allow passing date and time Chris Rybitski
1999-01-26 Dynamically Select-ing a different field at window open Dennis Evans
1999-01-26 Clearing a locator field at runtime Kent Jackson
1999-01-22 Bold facing a Popup item Gordon Smith
1999-01-22 Directing apps to TCF files on the server Robert Rogers
1999-01-21 TopSpeed file Internal Errorcodes Roy Brubaker
1999-01-21 Synchronizing Craig Ransom
1999-01-20 Automatically Start a browse from the frame Ned Reiter
1999-01-18 Wang imaging OCX Pete Halsted
1999-01-16 Edit in Place: Multiple update forms David Bayliss
1999-01-13 Edit in Place: Hiding messages Rick Martin
1999-01-11 Edit in Place: steps to create FileDropCombo Bob Gaucher
1999-01-09 Edit in Place: Adding a spin class Bob Gaucher
1999-01-07 Using Crystal Reports from Clarion Joe Suriano
1999-01-07 Reducing Tab Spread Bill Canatta
1999-01-03 Access -- errors changing records Scott Ferret
1999-01-03 Supressing No Records Message In Reports and Processes Lee White
1998-12-29 Clearing a locator field at runtime Dennis Evans
1998-12-25 Changing listbox headers at runtime Eddie Sizemore
1998-12-23 Importing C5 TXD into C4 Eric Jacobowitz
1998-12-23 Manually controlling autoinc fields Shawn Simmons
1998-12-20 16/32 bit Disk type routines Roberto Artigas Jr.
1998-12-20 32 bit Disk serial number Arnor Baldvinsson
1998-12-17 Hot fields - Making sure the highlighted record is current Jim Kane
1998-12-16 Resetting locator dynamically at runtime (ABC templates) Glen Rose
1998-12-16 Java free browses using HTML Vince Russo
1998-12-15 Manipulating frame text using reference variable Arie Rens
1998-12-10 Adding popup menu items Shawn Mason
1998-12-08 Alternate QBE interface Dan Presnell
1998-12-07 Changing backgrounds in the Embeditor Jim DeFabia
1998-12-06 Removing scroll bar at runtime Steve Parker
1998-12-04 Bringing another thread to the top Marius Luidens
1998-12-03 Getting environment variables Alexey Solovjev
1998-12-03 Referencing an OCX in another window Leonid Chudakov
1998-12-02 Error writing to SQL Anywhere Joe Suriano
1998-12-02 Multiple sort orders in a report Dennis Evans
1998-12-02 Print Button - More than one report from one button Dennis Evans
1998-12-01 MS SQL Performance Scott Ferret
1998-12-01 Ad Hoc Joins using the Edit button on the file tree Andrew Guidroz II
1998-11-30 Julian date Arnor Baldvinsson
1998-11-29 NS 4.06+ displays 8 point fonts too small Steve Parker
1998-11-26 Synchronization and DCT "direction" Alexey Solovjev
1998-11-26 Printing to PDF without the Save As dialog Peter Hiemenz
1998-11-24 Edit in Place -- using a file drop Tom Ruby
1998-11-17 Using Topspeed ODBC with ASP pages Pratik Patel
1998-11-15 Using image of a paper form as a background for an input form Chris Kloss
1998-11-14 ODBC -- Making the first connection (Access) John Morter
1998-11-12 Long file names and table names Scott Ferret
1998-11-12 Switching between EIP and form entry Jim DeFabia
1998-11-11 Getting time zone offset for user's computer Andre Knudsen
1998-11-11 Calling Crystal Reports from Clarion Ignacio Quijas Rivera
1998-11-11 Distinguishing Midnight from no time entered Richard Taylor
1998-11-04 Saving report WMF for other uses Peder Okseter
1998-11-04 Detecting Session ID Alex Kwak
1998-11-02 FileBuffers for ASCII files John Longarrow
1998-11-02 Printing directly to the printer Wim Nijland
1998-11-01 ODBC - GPF when Put() after Add() Scott Ferret
1998-10-29 C5 and ASA 6.0 Autoinc fields Scott Ferret
1998-10-28 C5EE(b4) crashes ODBC Driver Scott Ferret
1998-10-27 Importing file definitions from SQL Anywhere 6.0 Scott Ferret
1998-10-27 LoadonCall Scott Ferret
1998-10-27 Unsupported Group and Over in Informix (ODBC crashes) Scott Ferret
1998-10-26 Using Clarion DLLs in VC++ Dusty Hester
1998-10-26 Counting records in TPS files Wesley Coleman
1998-10-26 Using IP address for SQL Anywhere Ross Santos
1998-10-21 Report -- Title Page Arnor Baldvinsson
1998-10-21 Multiple locator fields Dennis Evans
1998-10-21 Multiple locator fields (II) Charles Bolland
1998-10-20 Error(513) Internal Error 13, Topspeed Driver Dorene Williams
1998-10-20 Running MSSQL stored procedures from Clarion Ben Williams
1998-10-17 WSLINST 03 error Alexey Solovjev
1998-10-16 Import Access files Scott Ferret
1998-10-15 Is Topspeed ODBC driver SQL compliant Scott Ferret
1998-10-13 Accessing Access files with ODBC Jerry Ray
1998-10-13 Prevent MSSQL login screen Scott Ferret
1998-10-12 Prop:FetchSize vs. Buffers Scott Ferret
1998-10-11 Clarion file corruption on NT + Win 95 network Steve Sitas
1998-10-09 File basics Tom Ruby
1998-10-09 Batch converting many files Shane Vincent
1998-10-07 Animiated GIFs flicker Gordon Smith
1998-10-07 SQL tips -- Why not to let Clarion do certain things for you. Jack Toering
1998-10-07 Automatically adjusts the height of the LIST control to number of items Brian Staff
1998-10-07 MSSQL temp Stored Procedures Scott Ferret
1998-10-06 Date filters in ODBC Andy Stapleton
1998-10-05 Using Trusted Connections in MS SQL Server Scott Ferret
1998-10-01 Looping through a MSSQL file Tim McDonald
1998-09-25 Reset(view) after Set(key) Scott Ferret
1998-09-22 External Name being changed by ODBC driver Scott Ferret
1998-09-21 MSSQL, C5EE and ODBC.DLL Scott Ferret
1998-09-21 A template to return the current procedure name Craig Ransom
1998-09-19 Relate:file.Update() using contraints in Source code Dan Presnell
1998-09-18 Default height and width when creating controls Gordon Smith
1998-09-18 Passing parameters to forms using standard templates Viggo Kleven
1998-09-18 Use of INNER Button in File Schematic Wim Nijland
1998-09-16 Template to export prototypes Mike Hanson
1998-09-16 Multiple file DLLs, 32 bits and Name() attribute Paul Attryde
1998-09-16 Diagnosing TPS file corruption John Longarrow
1998-09-15 Template to create INC files Craig Ransom
1998-09-15 Encryption security using Owner () atribute Jim DeFabia
1998-09-14 Using a variable to specify the Transaction Control File (TCF) John Hickey
1998-09-09 Template extension to determine compile target (EXE/DLL/LIB) Roberto Artigas Jr.
1998-09-07 Preventing multiple instances of a global variable -- template Craig Ransom
1998-09-04 Adding color to buttons Ignacio Quijas Rivera
1998-09-03 EBCDIC to ASCII Wesley Coleman
1998-09-02 Long file names Dusty Hester
1998-09-02 Reducing files per module to reduce ISL errors Jim Katz
1998-09-01 Using Report Writer reports in C4 Chris Moore
1998-08-31 Multiple files on multiple browse tabs using Name() Lew Strock
1998-08-21 Autonumbering compound keys TPS Jim Katz
1998-08-21 Automating Stream() and Flush() Garry Anderson
1998-08-19 Prevent Novell BoarderManager from caching IC pages Edward King
1998-08-18 Turning off Pop Up menus Jim Katz
1998-08-18 Getting user name in NT Mark Geisinger
1998-08-14 "Loading program" window Rick Martin
1998-08-11 Prevent Novell BoarderManager from caching IC pages Don Childers
1998-08-11 Displaying mutliple lines in Message() Vince Russo
1998-08-11 C4 functions built into C4 Arnor Baldvinsson
1998-08-11 Conditionally changing tab colors based on sort order Dobi Sandor
1998-08-10 Conditionally changing tab colors based on sort order Eric Jacobowitz
1998-08-07 Combining field numbers in code Douglas Johnson
1998-08-07 Filtering memos with Instring George Barwood
1998-08-04 Setting the Name() attribute in ABC Jim Katz
1998-08-04 Storing an IP Address in a file Sean Wilson
1998-08-04 Shutting down a running EXE from another EXE -- Window Title known Jim Kane
1998-08-04 Shutting down a running EXE from another EXE -- Window Title unknown John Arisse
1998-08-04 Selecting browse record under cursor on right mouse click Jim Katz
1998-08-04 Color one column in a list box from a Queue Jim Katz
1998-08-04 Hiding a band on a report at runtime Stan Guru
1998-08-03 Autospot Hyperlinks without displaying the URL Jim DeFabia
1998-08-01 Centered multi-line auto-sizing message window Frank Piscopo
1998-08-01 Cascading multiple timers Owen Brunker
1998-07-27 Printing two details in a single band Tom Ruby
1998-07-27 Useful API Functions Frank Piscopo
1998-07-27 Browsing Access files Scott Ferret
1998-07-27 App Tree printing utility - template Sebastian Talamoni
1998-07-27 Accept Loop -- Why it fires "multiple" times Richard Taylor
1998-07-27 Window Manager -- Sequence of Events Jon Waterhouse
1998-07-25 Turning off initial pick list in IDE Geoff Bomford
1998-07-23 Displaying images dynamically on a browse Micael Krief
1998-07-19 Smooth Process window/progress thermometer Martin Hoddin
1998-07-17 Restricting Insert, Change, Delete on a browse Kevin Erskine
1998-07-17 Detecting and saving BLOBs Richard Taylor
1998-07-14 Deformat Miro Vehar
1998-07-13 Using queues to dynamically create controls Arnor Baldvinsson
1998-07-13 Refreshing browse on return from form Jim Katz
1998-07-13 Additional Sort Order in CW2 Dan Presnell
1998-07-12 Getting selected row in a Reltree Jim Katz
1998-07-11 Embed for additional form field validation Valentine Russev
1998-07-10 Deleting File Drops and File Combos successfully from an APP Jerry Norman
1998-07-07 Range Limiting by High Values -- ABC Template Jeff Walters
1998-07-04 IE4 bugs with Javascript - fix Mike Pasley
1998-07-01 ODBC 16 - Download Site Robert Zaunere
1998-06-30 OCX Interface Gary Manis
1998-06-29 Getting user's IP address Tony Goldstein
1998-06-26 How to create an "Application CLASS" that is compiled and linked into a DLL Steve Olensky
1998-06-26 How to create an "Application CLASS" that is compiled and linked into a DLL Dave Berton
1998-06-25 Slow opening of files in ODBC Scott Ferret
1998-06-25 OCX - clarification of docs Nigel Hicks
1998-06-25 Class FileManager Class Functions and Error Procedures - Concordance Rob Keathley
1998-06-23 Disable buttons conditionally in ABC browses Nik Johnson
1998-06-23 Prime field before autoincrement record is added Andrew Guidroz II
1998-06-22 Greying out selector bar on non-active browses Johan Rademan
1998-06-22 Dynamically setting report band properties Markku Niskanen
1998-06-22 Edit in Place -- "Accepted" embed Rick Martin
1998-06-20 Multiple DLL apps in IC Steve Parker
1998-06-19 CW2 style Procedure List in IDE -- C5 Gavin Halliday
1998-06-16 Automatically tiling windows on program startup Thys Marais
1998-06-16 Forcing TPS full key rebuild Maarten Veenstra
1998-06-15 Stored Procedures duplicating in MS SQL Steve Olensky
1998-06-11 Check for multiple instances of a program Eric Jacobowitz
1998-06-09 Returning user to page they came from Jon Fletcher
1998-06-08 Browse - No Records Found Richard Taylor
1998-06-08 Control Page Background color in Netscape Arnor Baldvinsson
1998-06-08 IIS -- Known Bugs Troy Sorzano
1998-06-04 Creating Primary Key in SQL file from Clarion Scott Ferret
1998-06-02 Converting PowerBrowse to Standard Browse Steve Lewis
1998-05-29 Skipping Print Preview dynamically at runtime Russ Eggen
1998-05-27 Forcing an empty listbox on a browse to begin in insert mode Pierre Tremblay
1998-05-26 Hiding detail lines in reports - printing summary reports Joe van Niekerk
1998-05-26 TPS file corrupts on a network - correct location of TCF files Nigel Hicks
1998-05-22 Setting control colors in reports Gus Creses
1998-05-21 Popup menus don't work when there are no records in the list Russ Eggen
1998-05-20 Btrieve -- Internal structure Bill Knopf
1998-05-19 Changing font colors on buttons Jeff Slarve
1998-05-18 EOF() - discussion of proper utilization Sean Wilson
1998-05-18 Pointer() and Position Sean Wilson
1998-05-18 C Programming in Clarion Sean Wilson
1998-05-18 Manual control of autoincrement/autonumber keys Steve Parker
1998-05-18 Dynamic Pool Limits exceeded - hints Nik Johnson
1998-05-16 Compile switch based on whether compiling DLL or EXE Arnor Baldvinsson
1998-05-16 Compile switch based on whether compiling DLL or EXE Russ Eggen
1998-05-16 Name attribute usage Steve Parker
1998-05-15 Popup menus -- specifying location dynamically Arnor Baldvinsson
1998-05-14 Changing color of the header in a list box A. van Ieperen
1998-05-13 Activating Edit in Place for a second browse on a window Richard Taylor
1998-05-13 Change page header and footer positions at runtime Richard Taylor
1998-05-12 Non-standard buttons in IC Steve Parker
1998-05-11 Keeping window on top Maurice Heesakkers
1998-05-11 Browse without update buttons can't use toolbar Bill Coomber
1998-05-11 IIS4 and CWIC Mark
1998-05-11 TPS files on server, app on workstations John Broadwater
1998-05-10 Three tier apps with IC Mike Pasley
1998-05-08 Thread limiter template Jim DeFabia
1998-05-07 How to tell whether a field has been changed Richard Taylor
1998-05-07 Preventing infinite loop in Processes when using Message() Arnor Baldvinsson
1998-05-06 Opening a window with specific tab selected Tom Ruby
1998-05-06 Opening a new browser window with button bar disabled Troy Sorzano
1998-05-06 Calling stored procedures Scott Ferret
1998-05-06 Opening a window with specific tab selected John Broadwater
1998-05-06 Getting started with ODBC Bernard Grosperrin
1998-05-06 Stopping window from minimizing Ted Steward
1998-05-06 Opening a window with specific tab selected Louis Botes
1998-05-05 Oracle 8.03/32bit in C4a Scott Ferret
1998-05-05 Opening a new browser window with button bar disabled Mike Pasley
1998-05-05 Which control has focus? Danny Joe
1998-05-05 Color palettes Geir Hansen
1998-05-05 Report controls - dynamically creating Maarten Veenstra
1998-05-05 Stopping window from minimizing Marius Luidens
1998-05-05 Recover() - recovering held records Maarten Veenstra
1998-05-03 ODBC and IC Troy Sorzano
1998-05-03 Running Report Writer from inside Clarion apps Don Redd
1998-05-01 Filter locator can also emulate INSTRING Jim DeFabia
1998-04-30 Changing ODBC to MSSQL Scott Ferret
1998-04-30 Adding space between buttons Trond Kristiansen
1998-04-30 Using + key as an enter key on forms Geir Hansen
1998-04-29 Closing additional browser window, after window.open from another app/window Vince Russo
1998-04-29 Signing onto MSSql Mike Pasley
1998-04-29 Flashing window - FlashWindow API call Devan Sabaratnam
1998-04-28 Field priming with Edit in Place Nik Johnson
1998-04-27 Does window have focus? Jeff Slarve
1998-04-26 Checking for screensaver - API call Stephen Bottomley
1998-04-25 Parent-child browse problem fix Russ Eggen
1998-04-25 Embeds before Edit in Place Jim Katz
1998-04-24 Accessing group footers in ABC Russ Eggen
1998-04-24 Getting file date and time without opening file - API call Todd Carlson
1998-04-23 Images -- dynamic display Steve Parker
1998-04-23 Simple filtering in ABC process Russ Eggen
1998-04-22 Auto START() from Frame Steve Trautman
1998-04-22 Check for multiple instances of a program Jeff Berlinghoff
1998-04-22 Changing control properties at runtime - Procedure Jeff Berlinghoff
1998-04-22 Edit in Place: Forcing Upper CAP mode Nik Johnson
1998-04-22 Copying files and directories using API calls Stephen Bottomley
1998-04-21 Changing a listbox header Jim Katz
1998-04-21 Keeping window on top Frank Piscopo
1998-04-20 Turning off popup menus John Broadwater
1998-04-20 Internal error 01 - WSLDIAL Dan Presnell
1998-04-19 Control (single record) files Nik Johnson
1998-04-19 Updating single record (control) files Jim Katz
1998-04-19 Manual control of Autoincrement keys Steve Parker
1998-04-19 Internal error 02 - WSLDIAL Steven Gruenberg
1998-04-18 Filtering a browse at runtime Russ Eggen
1998-04-16 Different Page-to-Return-to on a condition Chris Rybitski
1998-04-15 Preventing windows hardware error checking - API call Jeff Slarve
1998-04-10 Print a fixed number of records Larry Juker
1998-04-07 Dynamically creating a hyperlink from a variable Steve Parker
1998-04-07 Process ASCII file using DOS driver John Hickey
1998-04-04 Conditionally setting browse color in code Russ Eggen
1998-04-01 Making sure browse box always responds to keyboard after tab change Steve Parker
1998-04-01 FTP using Windows 95 internal ftp Ray Creighton
1998-03-27 Using RunDLL Robert Fred Meyer
1998-03-23 Printing large memos Jeff Berlinghoff
1998-03-20 Using MAPI templates with IC Joe van Niekerk
1998-03-20 Drop-down combo update - workaround George Barwood
1998-03-19 Parent blank after adding child Jim Katz
1998-03-19 Parent blank after adding child Tom Ruby
1998-03-19 Right aligning prompts on a form Arnor Baldvinsson
1998-03-19 Adding spaces above or below components Arnor Baldvinsson
1998-03-19 "Continuous Forms" Printing in IC Steve Parker
1998-03-09 Passing fields and keys as parameters Jim Katz
1998-02-13 Changing default control height Nigel Hicks
1998-02-10 Encryption Jerry Ray
1998-02-08 Time calculations with midnight rollover Bernard Grosperrin
1998-02-07 Check for multiple instances of a program Steven Gallafent
1998-02-05 Getting user name in Windows Troy Sorzano
1998-02-05 Edit in Place and update form template Neil Worley
1998-02-04 Resizing windows depending on resolution Simon Burrows
1998-01-28 Edit in Place: Forcing Upper Case Richard Taylor
1998-01-25 Hypertext linking from Windows App -- Mailto Robert Parisi
1998-01-24 Playing WAV files Russ Eggen
1998-01-23 Testing for results after Fetch Jim Katz
1998-01-20 Changing browse sort order David Bayliss
1998-01-09 Pick a directory using 32 bit API calls Jeff Berlinghoff
1998-01-09 Auto register OCX template Bill Knopf
1998-01-04 No records - notifying user Jim Katz
1998-01-04 Call lookup at beginning of browse procedure Jim Katz
1998-01-04 Calling MESSAGE() at beginning of an ABC procedure David Bayliss
1998-01-02 Hypertext linking from Windows App Robert Parisi
1997-12-12 Levels David Bayliss
1997-12-10 Returning to pages outside your site Jim DeFabia
1997-12-10 Dynamically creating a Redirector page (Page-to-Return-to) Mike Pasley
1997-12-10 Changing default APP to 32 bits Phillip Carroll
1997-12-08 Changing screen size based on windows resolution Kenny Gardner
1997-12-05 One-to-one relationship Marius Roeksund
1997-12-04 Free CGI templates Dave Berton
1997-12-03 Spacing controls further apart Arnor Baldvinsson
1997-12-02 Controls spreading out too far Arnor Baldvinsson
1997-11-29 Day object methods Gus Creses
1997-11-20 Adding to export files without knowing ordinal position Alexey Solovjev
1997-11-19 Encryption Kurt Paulikowski
1997-11-12 Prop:AcceptAll -- Double Loop in forms Rob Keathley
1997-10-17 Is a window visible - API call Alexey Solovjev
1997-10-13 Get computer name on network Robert Parisi
1997-10-08 Dynamic Pool Limits Jim DeFabia
1997-09-25 Setting system icon Phillip Carroll
1997-08-31 Calling controls in other procedures Garry Anderson
1997-08-29 Changing line height in listboxes Jan Roger Jensen
1997-08-27 WinAPI toolkit Vince Sorensen
1997-08-18 Images -- dynamic display Ray Creighton
1997-08-12 Long file names in CW Vince Sorensen
1997-08-12 Disabling Windows95 keys Jeff Berlinghoff
1997-07-28 Controlling control spread Gavin Halliday
1997-07-21 Extract and use icons from other files Alexey Solovjev
1997-07-21 Extract and use icons from other files Russ Eggen
1997-07-21 Runtime error 755 Alexey Solovjev
1997-07-18 Twain scanning Jack Berlin
1997-07-14 Copy file using API call A. Ujlaki
1997-07-02 Is system using large or small fonts Alexey Solovjev
1997-06-08 Last weekday of a month Robert Rogers
1997-06-08 Getting user name in Windows 95 (32 bit) Mike Gould
1997-06-04 Mutiple lines in a browse Russ Eggen
1997-06-02 Keypad Enter as Tab Geir Hansen
1997-05-31 Keeping window on top Jeff Slarve
1926-04-25 Police Comments A.N. Other
Reports, Printing, Printers, 7 articles
Date Article Author
2005-03-30 Adjust margins Leonid Chudakov
2005-02-16 Change directory for WMF files Lee White
2005-01-11 Vertical lines in reports with resizing details Bob Campbell
2004-04-15 Previewer problems Timo Multanen
2003-12-31 Printing manuals cheap Mark Riffey
2003-01-29 Connecting to a MSSQL db and printing a Crystal Report Marcos Mateo Zorola
2002-11-23 Selecting a printer from the CR preview Jaak Bartels
Setup Builder from Lindersoft, 3 articles
Date Article Author
2015-10-07 Automating Version and Build Numbers
2015-10-06 Pin to Start Screen and Pin to Taskbar Friedrich Linder
2015-10-06 Dual SHA-1/SHA-2 code-signing Friedrich Linder
SQL Related Articles, 77 articles
Date Article Author
2007-08-28 Starting SQL Anywhere server engine Arnor Baldvinsson
2005-11-28 Retrieving autonumbered MySQL record Bjarne Havnen - Aditech As
2004-09-11 Generic procedure to process SQL Shankarj
2004-08-21 Using Views in a procedure to retrieve data Erik Pepping
2004-07-21 Storing binary data in strings in MSSQL Bruce Johnson
2004-07-19 Use MSSQL Index Tuning Wizard to optimize database access Ralph Tartaglia
2004-06-28 Firebird DSN-less connection - 2 Jim Gambon
2004-06-28 Firebird DSN-less connection 1 Paul Anderson, Tiresoft
2004-06-23 Scripting and comparison tool for MS-SQL administrators Greg.berthume
2004-05-28 Starting MSSQL server Joe Tailleur
2004-05-22 Calling Interbase Generator stored procedure Geoff Bomford
2004-05-12 Template to retrieve Ident_Current Geoff Bomford
2004-05-08 MSSQL Identity - autonumber template Stephen C. Mull
2004-05-06 Firebird - creating installs for deployment of applications Jorge Andres Brugger
2004-05-06 Design tool for Firebird Martijn Tonies
2004-04-21 Free scripts for FireBird Johan Van Zyl
2004-04-19 Simple SELECT builder Juanro
2004-04-10 Building indexes and use Prop:Where to limit a file loop Dan Pressnell
2004-04-10 Using Set and Prop:Where to limit a file loop Dan Pressnell
2004-04-01 10 steps to implement Firebird in your application Pratik Patel
2004-03-30 Using SQL filter on reports 2 Geoff Bomford
2004-03-30 Connection strings Kevin Erskine
2004-03-30 Dezign database development tool Johan Van Zyl
2004-03-29 Using SQL filter on reports Geoff Bomford
2004-03-29 Creating an exception in FireBird that sends information to Clarion Arno Rog
2004-03-25 Ignoring computed fields Tim Morrison
2004-03-25 Adding and using computed fields Rick Martin
2004-03-21 Connecting to a remote MSSQL databaes Mark Riffey
2004-03-19 Setting columns as Read only Mike.gould
2004-03-17 Using view to retrieve aggregate results Scott Ferrett
2004-03-09 Server side paging without using cursors Arnor Baldvinsson
2004-02-25 Setting up Firebird SQL Pablo Sanchez
2004-01-29 Replacing characters in columns Rick Martin
2004-01-16 Class to retrieve UniqueIdentifier Chris Husting
2003-11-24 Retrieving Identity value from MSSQL Sebastian Streiger
2003-09-08 Calling Stored Procedures in Oracle Fadi G. Ashi
2003-09-01 Calling stored procedure with return OUT parameters Nardus Swanevelder
2003-08-25 Structuring Clarion Views for Clarion files to retrieve data from SQL tables Arnor Baldvinsson
2003-08-13 Transactions and Prop:SQL Dan Pressnell and others
2003-06-14 Use Identity column in MS SQL Jim Kane
2003-04-30 Creating views to retrieve data from tables Geoff Bomford
2003-02-28 Calling stored procedure with return parameter Lesley Dean
2003-02-05 Sum Calculations in select statement and filtering based on value Andy Stapleton
2003-02-03 Problems with binary memos in mySQL Steven Spierenburg
2003-01-20 Create a MSDE database from Clarion Greg Berthume
2003-01-20 Create a MSDE database from Clarion Greg Berthume
2003-01-20 CCS Replacing Order By Clause Andy Stapleton
2002-12-31 MySQL and Clarion - documentation Kristian
2002-12-10 Creating views with information about tables and columsn etc Andy Stapleton
2002-12-04 Select with SUM Ray Goudie
2002-12-01 MySQL and True page loading in Legacy Dan Pressnell
2002-11-30 Logout on SQL tables Jim Kane
2002-11-25 MySQL and True page loading in ABC Dan Pressnell
2002-11-20 Selecting ODBC datasource using Registry Tim Morrison
2002-11-19 Selecting ODBC datasource Dan Pressnell
2002-10-29 Better SQL Part 11 Dan Pressnell
2002-10-29 Better SQL Part 10 Dan Pressnell
2002-10-19 Better SQL Part 9 Dan Pressnell
2002-10-01 Passing array to a stored procedure Andy Stapleton
2002-08-27 Keep connection open until application terminates Michael Gould
2002-08-11 Turning tracing off Dan Pressnell & Arnor Baldvinsson
2002-08-05 MSSQL datatypes to Clarion Scott Ferrett
2002-07-29 Better SQL Part 8 Dan Pressnell
2002-07-28 Better SQL Part 7 Dan Pressnell
2002-07-24 Better SQL Part 6 Dan Pressnell
2002-07-24 Better SQL Part 5 Dan Pressnell
2002-07-23 Better SQL Part 4 Dan Pressnell
2002-07-22 Better SQL Part 3 Dan Pressnell
2002-07-22 Better SQL Part 2 Dan Pressnell
2002-07-22 Better SQL Part 1 Dan Pressnell
2002-07-21 Security access to SQL databases Michael Gould
2002-07-08 Using same file structure to retrieve multiple fields Andy Stapleton
2002-07-07 Using same file structure to retrieve multiple fields Dan Pressnell
2002-07-06 Clarion dates to SQL Mark Mcbreen
2002-07-05 Clarion dates to SQL Andy Stapleton
2002-04-11 Returning values from Stored Procedures using OUT Michael Gould
2002-04-11 Returning values from Stored Procedures Frank Vestjens
Templates, 49 articles
Date Article Author
2005-06-06 Adding driver to project Sean Cameron (capesoft)
2004-05-06 Free template to globally change fonts on windows Simon Burrows
2004-05-04 Template to copy embedded code from one app to another Alexander
2004-04-01 Finding the parent of a control or extension template Arnor Baldvinsson
2004-04-01 Template snippets to derrive FileManger to add NULL values where needed Bjarne Havnen
2004-02-24 Detect if Procedure is Browse or Form Alexander
2003-06-13 What is needed for ABC to generate method call embeds Ole-morten Heien
2002-03-05 Finding orphaned embed points Peter Gysegem
2001-07-25 Add file to fileschematic Gregory Bailey
2001-07-13 Template to save column widths in a browse Casey Rippon
2000-12-31 Logging data changes on field by field basis Roberto Artigas Jr
2000-12-31 Set global alert keys (3) Roberto Artigas Jr
2000-02-01 Globally putting code into events on entry fields Roberto Artigas Jr
1999-07-30 Difference between string symbol declaration Arnor Baldvinsson
1999-07-22 Example of making template embeds available in embeditor Richard Stollar
1999-04-28 Adding files to the ship list Lee White
1999-04-05 Code template to call a procedure James Fortune
1999-03-29 Testing for other populated templates Lee White
1999-03-29 Setting up tree view in templates Phillip Carroll
1999-03-26 Fix for multi-user generation problem George Lehmann
1999-03-21 Procedure template example Geoff Bomford
1999-03-15 Bug fix for duplicate embed name in Clarion template Arnor Baldvinsson
1999-03-14 Access symbols in other templates Craig E Ransom
1999-03-08 Change Clarion templates to pass parameters to forms Arnor Baldvinsson
1999-03-07 Set icon on all windows to prevent memory leak Craig E Ransom
1999-03-01 Code template to call a procedure Arnor Baldvinsson
1999-02-25 Some tips on template writing Phillip Carroll
1999-02-25 Template to write templates Vince Sorensen
1999-01-29 Adding locally declared files to file schematic Christopher Hargett
1999-01-15 Get system and disk resources John (silverghost)
1999-01-14 Fix for toolbar height misalignment Rick Martin
1999-01-09 Legacy changes for more embeds around views Malcolm Collett
1998-12-31 Procedure tracing template Roberto Artigas Jr
1998-12-27 Create memory record for a file Roberto Artigas Jr.
1998-12-01 Setting to show on procedure properties Phillip Carroll
1998-11-03 Set global alert keys (2) Bertus Viljoen
1998-11-01 Set global alert keys (1) Jim Katz
1998-10-31 Getting files used in application Jim Katz
1998-10-26 Set report names for print queue in windows Greg Berthume
1998-10-24 Using child template with application templates Phillip Carroll
1998-10-23 Comparing two file structures Mike Hanson
1998-10-22 Extracting module names into variables Arnor Baldvinsson
1998-09-11 Detecting template instances Robert Fred, Meyer
1998-09-09 Template to open file John Hickey
1998-09-08 Checking if template instance exists Brian Staff
1998-06-23 Template to set default program icon Andrew Guidroz
1998-06-20 Calling a template group in ABC that returns value Alexey Solovjev
1998-05-08 Thread limiter template for ABC Jim Defabia
1998-04-23 Checking if an embed point has code Mike Hanson
Third Party, 2 articles
Date Article Author
2005-01-09 Using GPF Reporter with Armadillo protected apps Roger Due
2004-04-16 Greenbar template new website Stephen Bottomley
Windows API, 99 articles
Date Article Author
2007-04-12 Returning Unicode data in C6 using BSTRINGs Vadim Berman
2007-03-14 API Links on MSDN (March 2007) Arnor Baldvinsson
2007-01-02 Change Display Settings Lee White (lodestar)
2006-12-16 Passing Visual Basic DATE to COM objects Jim Kane
2006-11-21 Loop through all files on drive with unicode support Menno De Ruiter
2006-11-13 CRC32 builtin Clarion function John E Singer
2006-10-11 Drop a combolist down when selected Jim Kane
2006-09-04 Getting user name using process handle Jim Kane
2006-06-16 About thread management Jim Kane
2006-06-14 Implement Send To Jim Kane
2006-04-13 Save screenshot of web page Menno De Ruiter
2006-02-19 Assigning address to reference Jim Kane
2005-08-08 Using SHFileOperation to copy files using progress window John Christ
2005-04-01 Set application to be the only desktop application Kc Chin
2005-02-11 Loading resources and displaying non-rectangular splash screens Ron Schofield
2005-02-08 Enumerating Printers Lee White
2005-02-03 Change color of appframe background Jim Gambon
2005-01-23 Setting System Restore not to backup app files Arnor@icetips.com (arnor Baldvinsson)
2005-01-18 Running Windows Media Player on XP Jim Kane
2005-01-17 Using Resources to link data files to EXE Jim Kane
2004-12-19 Creating balloon popups from the SysTray Kelly E Major
2004-07-19 Template to fix hyperthreading CPU problems in Clarion 1 Doug
2004-07-12 Get Internet Explorer version information 2 Ben E. Brady
2004-07-12 Get Internet Explorer version information 1 Paul Attryde
2004-07-08 Fix for WMF images not showing up correctly Alexander
2004-07-04 Changing the desktop wallpaper Arnor Baldvinsson
2004-06-25 How transparent and flat buttons are drawn Robert Zaunere
2004-05-26 Events used by MS in the User event range Carl Barnes
2004-05-10 SendMessage and RegisterWindowMessage Richard Rogers
2004-04-08 Connecting to NET dll from Clarion Jim Kane
2004-03-17 Creating unicode strings Menno De Ruiter
2004-03-17 MD5 algorithm Dan Gorrell
2004-03-16 Saving RTF data to text Jim Kane
2004-03-12 Hiding and unhiding the application Mario Rodrigues
2004-03-04 Using LoadLibrary and FreeLibary to dynamically call external procedures Andy Ireland
2004-01-10 Getting the handle of Clarion icons Dennis E Evans
2004-01-10 Getting the handle of Clarion icons Randy Rogers
2004-01-10 Item method implementation in OLE Michael Ware
2003-12-01 Calling procedures by reference or address Jim Kane
2003-11-09 Critical Sections Paul Attryde
2003-09-10 Saving and restoring custom colors for ColorDialog Larry Sand
2003-09-09 Detect large font settings Geoff Spillane
2003-09-06 Creating shortcuts on the desktop-2 Jim Kane
2003-08-31 Passing null terminated arrays to PathFindOnPath John E. Christ III
2003-08-04 Application Start cursor Gustavo Pinsard
2003-06-05 How to create and pass arrays as a string Vadim Nikitin
2003-05-31 WinInet callback linked local vs standlone mode Alexey Solovjev
2003-05-30 Is there a "binary representation" command Jeff Slarve
2003-05-26 Prevent window from appearing on taskbar Jim Kane
2003-05-22 Getting time zone information with GetTimeZoneInformation Derek Noffke
2003-05-05 Enumerating Fonts and discussion about memory Larry Sand
2003-05-05 Get Clarion Fieldname from a control FEQ Mark Goldberg
2003-05-01 Closing Excel from Clarion Ville Vahtera
2003-05-01 API - Images and Agents for Windows Hausleitner Manfred
2003-04-29 Get font size resolution Jeff Berlinghoff
2003-04-29 Characters count in RTF Text Jim Kane
2003-04-29 Creating a GUID Jim Kane
2003-04-29 Get font size resolution Larry Sand
2003-04-28 Getting handle of Clarion style metafiles Leonid Chudakov
2003-04-28 Getting handle of Clarion style metafiles - structure Ron Schofield
2003-04-25 Hide the taskbar Dries Driessen
2003-04-22 Information on changing Disabled color hash Jerome Atchison
2003-04-11 Detecting keystrokes using SetWindowsHookExe Robert Rodgers
2003-04-06 Toolbar (Rebar) info from MSDN Vince Sorensen
2003-04-04 Basic C++ and Clarion integration Dan Gorrell
2003-03-28 Removing the System menu Vernon Jay Godwin
2003-03-10 Getting Window version info Andy Ireland
2003-03-09 Getting domain name from user name Jim Kane
2003-01-31 ChangeClipboardChain Chris Thornton
2003-01-26 Change or detect screen resolution (1) Arnor Baldvinsson
2003-01-26 Change or detect screen resolution (2) Arnor Baldvinsson
2003-01-02 Setting default printer by API John E. Christ III
2002-12-31 Getting the Messaging/Email templates to work Mike Jenkins
2002-12-17 Enumerating Clarion Tab Windows Jim Kane
2002-12-07 How Do I Change The *.TPS File Icon To My Own Extra-Groovy Icon? Carlos Gutierrez
2002-12-02 Identifying menu activities Jim Kane
2002-11-04 Using Critical sections in C55 Jim Kane
2002-11-04 Need to subclass for redrawing of DrawFocusRect Jim Kane
2002-11-03 Handling events from COM in OLE class Jim Kane
2002-11-01 TurnOff MouseWheel? Jim Kane
2002-10-31 Using SHFileOperation to copy files using progress window Leonid Chudakov
2002-10-12 Changing button properties when mouse is over using subclassing Dennis E. Evans
2002-10-06 Getting Internet address from IE Ville Vahtera
2002-09-24 map drives and logon to folders Jim Kane
2002-09-16 Double Buffering image draws Andy Ireland
2002-09-15 Getting rid of background redraws with subclassing Ville Vahtera
2002-08-27 TAB handle & child window? Jens Weiermann
2002-08-25 Playing videos on Clarion windows Jim Kane
2002-08-06 SHGetFolderLocation - 1 Mark Sarson
2002-08-06 SHGetFolderLocation - 2 Mark Sarson
2002-07-27 Set Last active window active again Jody Ronning
2002-05-26 Saving DIB as BMP Jim Kane
2002-04-10 Mapping a network drive Larry Sand
2002-04-04 Using CreateThread to create threads in Clarion Andrea Rodella
2002-04-01 Using Large Integers (64bit) in Clarion applications Paul van Drunick
2002-03-19 Reading favourite files Jim Kane
2002-03-19 Reading favourite files Jim Kane
2002-03-06 Extracting hight and low order values Larry Sand
2001-08-01 Creating shortcuts on the desktop Craig E Ransom
Windows Operating Systems, 6 articles
Date Article Author
2007-01-22 Setting User access rights in XP Arnor Baldvinsson
2004-03-06 Set OpLocks to improve performance Peter Kirk
2004-03-04 Performance tricks Peter Kirk
2003-08-11 Windows Key hotkey shortcuts Dave Schwartz
2003-04-12 Set OpLocks correctly to improve performance Michael Gould
2002-11-24 Add XP styles to your Clarion application Benjamin Dell
XML, 2 articles
Date Article Author
2005-01-11 Using SV XML to navigate through XML Tony Bowes
2004-04-24 MS-XML parser code Jim Kane

Icetips Product Articles
  Checkbox fixer (1)   Icetips Previewer (8)
  Icetips SQL 6.0 ABC (2)   Icetips Xplore (3)

Checkbox fixer, 1 article
Date Article Author
2004-04-02 Using the "Pause the process" button template Arnor Baldvinsson

Icetips Previewer, 8 articles
Date Article Author
2007-09-21 Totals or grandtotals don't print Arnor Baldvinsson
2006-12-05 Wrong code generated in version 2.400 Arnor Baldvinsson
2006-04-20 PowerToolbar and Icetips previewer with mouse wheel support Arnor Baldvinsson
2005-09-28 Copies ignored when printing to printer from Previewer Arnor Baldvinsson
2004-12-14 Setting Reports Landscape Arnor Baldvinsson
2004-12-07 Icetips Previewer in 6.1 build 9030 Arnor Baldvinsson
2004-11-30 Add scroll wheel support to Icetips Previewer David S Beggs
2004-01-08 Icetips Previewer - Select printer before printing Arnor Baldvinsson

Icetips SQL 6.0 ABC, 2 articles
Date Article Author
2002-09-20 Icetips SQL: Calculated fields in CCS browse George Lehmann
2002-09-18 Icetips SQL: Parent-Child multicomponent key Andy Stapleton

Icetips Xplore, 3 articles
Date Article Author
2004-03-26 Hiding and unhiding menus based on condition Arnor Baldvinsson
2003-03-12 Icetips Xplore: Using hotfields Brian Staff
2003-03-06 Icetips Xplore: Some comments from author Brian Staff Brian Staff


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