` Range Limiting by High Values -- ABC Template (Jeff Walters ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Range Limiting by High Values -- ABC Template
1998-07-07 -- Jeff Walters
I have posted several messages regarding my penchant for multi-field keys, with dropdown selections on any of the fields to provide fast and flexible data displays. A simple modification to 2003 templates enabled me to implement this without any embed code. however, ABC really didn't prove to be as simple as ABC. I developed a crude workaround using a File Relationship to a dummy file last month. Fortunately Jakes van Vuuren took partial pity on me by suggesting delving into the ApplyRange method. I say partial pity because exact implementation of his suggestion resulted in umpteen GPFs / trial by cursing until I had tamed the beast. Having resolved the coding issues, I quickly created a template to manage the process (as well as BINDing filter fields, if required), which I think should address many people's needs. The process is simple : - Add the extension template HighKeyFields for the specific BrowseBox - Set the 2nd, or 3rd KeyField as the Range Limit, set to Current Value - Point the high KeyFields to local / lookup file fields on the template, and nominate which control will change the value (if you have no intention of altering the value once the browse has been opened, you really don't need this template!) - I prefer to immediately move the focus to main Browse, so I provide the option of nominating the next control to select after update. - I also like to open my multi range browses on my last settings, so have provided INI support. No hand coding, simple point and click. The entire development and testing time was about 8 hours, and has removed a major source of frustration in my life. Thanks once again to Jakes Jeff Walters e-Mail: jwalters@global.co.za (Updated 24 July 1998) #TEMPLATE (ABC_jw, 'High KeyFields for BrowseABC'),Family('ABC') #! ============================================================================ =============== !# #! Version: 1.1 !# #! !# #! Author: Jeff Walters !# #! Dated : 7/07/98 !# #! e-Mail: jwalters@global.co.za !# #! !# #! ============================================================================ =============== !# #! #! #! ============================================================================ =============== !# #! #EXTENSION(HigherKeys,'Set / Reset Higher Key fields'),REQ(BrowseBox(ABC)) #! #! ============================================================================ =============== !# #! #BUTTON('Bind / Set Fields'), AT(10,,180) #SHEET #TAB('Set Key Fields') #DISPLAY(''),AT(,,,2) #DISPLAY('Use to set / reset higher key fields of a Ranged browse.') #DISPLAY(''),AT(,,,2) #BOXED('Set Key Fields') #DISPLAY(''),AT(,,,2) #BUTTON ('Set Key Fields'), MULTI(%SettingFields, %TargetKeyField & ' = ' & %SettingField),INLINE,AT(,,,60) #PROMPT ('Key Field:', COMPONENT(%PrimaryKey)), %TargetKeyField, REQ #PROMPT ('Set Field:', FIELD), %SettingField, REQ #DISPLAY(''),AT(,,,2) #PROMPT ('Use a control to set higher key value',CHECK),%jwUseSetControl,DEFAULT(1),AT(10) #BOXED (''),WHERE(%jwUseSetControl),Clear,HIDE #PROMPT ('Set Field Control:', CONTROL), %SettingControl #DISPLAY(''),AT(,,,2) #PROMPT ('Force ''Top Of List'' after Accepted', CHECK),%jwForceTop,DEFAULT(1),AT(10) #DISPLAY(''),AT(,,,2) #DISPLAY ('Ensures the first record of the range is always selected') #DISPLAY ('when a range field is changed.') #DISPLAY (''),AT(,,,2) #PROMPT ('Select another control after Accepted',CHECK),%jwSelectNextControl,DEFAULT(0),AT(10) #ENABLE(%jwSelectNextControl),CLEAR #DISPLAY(''),AT(,,,2) #PROMPT ('Control to select after Accepted',CONTROL),%SelectControl #ENDENABLE #ENDBOXED #ENDBUTTON #ENDBOXED #DISPLAY(''),AT(,,,2) #ENABLE(%INIActive),CLEAR #PROMPT ('''Remember'' last key settings in INI file:',CHECK ),%jwRememberKeys,DEFAULT(0),AT(10) #ENDENABLE #ENDTAB #TAB('Bind non-queue fields') #DISPLAY(''),AT(,,,2) #DISPLAY('Use for all fields that you wish to BIND, but where you') #DISPLAY('don''t want the value locked in by Browse''s queue ') #DISPLAY('processing (which is what the BIND option does on the') #DISPLAY('''Hot Fields'' tab.)') #DISPLAY(''),AT(,,,2) #BOXED('Fields To Bind') #DISPLAY(''),AT(,,,2) #BUTTON ('Set Key Fields'), MULTI(%BoundFields, %BoundField),INLINE,AT(,,,60) #PROMPT ('BIND Field:', FIELD), %BoundField, REQ #ENDBUTTON #ENDBOXED #ENDTAB #TAB('Usage') #DISPLAY(''),AT(,,,2) #BOXED('') #DISPLAY(''),AT(,,,2) #DISPLAY('Assuming the Browse Key with structure (KF1, KF2, KF3)') #DISPLAY(''),AT(,,,2) #DISPLAY('1 - Set Key Fields - say KF1 and KF2 - on the first tab.') #DISPLAY('2 - Set the Browse range field to KF2 - Current Value') #DISPLAY('3 - If you are using a Droplist, or parent Browse to ') #DISPLAY(' provide the Setting Field values, ensure that they') #DISPLAY(' are ''Hot'' on the Browse, or set as target fields') #DISPLAY(' on the Droplists.') #DISPLAY('4 - QED. Enjoy! ') #ENDBOXED #ENDTAB #ENDSHEET #ENDBUTTON #! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ !# #ATSTART #DECLARE(%jwHKListInstance) #SET(%jwHKListInstance,%ActiveTemplateParentInstance) #DECLARE(%jwBrowseID) #SET(%jwBrowseID,SLICE(%InstancePrefix,1,LEN(%InstancePrefix)-1)) #DECLARE(%FullSectionName) #SET(%FullSectionName,%Procedure & '::Higher Keys') #ENDAT #! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ !# #AT(%WindowManagerMethodCodeSection,'Init','(),BYTE'),PRIORITY(7600) #IF(%jwRememberKeys AND ITEMS(%SettingFields)) #CALL(%Header, 'Higher Keys - Last Values') #FOR(%SettingFields) %[15]SettingField = INIMgr.TryFetch('%FullSectionName','%SettingField') #ENDFOR #CALL(%Header, 'Higher Keys - Last Values') #ENDIF #! #IF (ITEMS(%BoundFields)) #CALL(%Header,'Bound Fields') #ENDIF #FOR(%BoundFields) BIND('%BoundField',%BoundField) #ENDFOR #IF (ITEMS(%BoundFields)) #CALL(%Header,'Bound Fields') #ENDIF #ENDAT #! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ !# #AT(%BrowserMethodCodeSection,%jwHKListInstance,'ApplyRange','(),BYTE'),PRIO RITY(4000) #IF (ITEMS(%SettingFields)) #CALL(%Header,'Higher Keys') #ENDIF #DECLARE(%jwKeyFieldInstance) #FIX(%Key,%PrimaryKey) #FOR (%SettingFields) #FIX(%KeyField,%TargetKeyField) #IF(%KeyField) #SET(%jwKeyFieldInstance,INSTANCE(%KeyField)) GET(SELF.Order.RangeList.List,%jwKeyFieldInstance) Self.Order.RangeList.List.Right = %SettingField #ENDIF #ENDFOR #IF (ITEMS(%SettingFields)) #CALL(%Header,'Higher Keys') #ENDIF #ENDAT #! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ !# #AT(%ControlEventHandling,,'Accepted'),PRIORITY(7500) #FOR(%SettingFields) #IF(%Control = %SettingControl AND %ControlType <> 'SHEET') #CALL(%Header,'Higher Keys') #IF(%jwForceTop) Free(%jwBrowseID.ListQueue) #ENDIF %jwBrowseID.ApplyRange %jwBrowseID.ResetSort(1) #IF(%SelectControl) Select(%SelectControl) #ENDIF #CALL(%Header,'Higher Keys') #BREAK #ENDIF #ENDFOR #ENDAT #! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ !# #AT(%ControlEventHandling,,'NewSelection'),PRIORITY(9000) #FOR(%SettingFields) #IF(%Control = %SettingControl AND %ControlType = 'SHEET') #CALL(%Header,'Higher Keys') #IF(%jwForceTop) Free(%jwBrowseID.ListQueue) #ENDIF %jwBrowseID.ApplyRange %jwBrowseID.ResetSort(1) #IF(%SelectControl) Select(%SelectControl) #ENDIF #CALL(%Header,'Higher Keys') #BREAK #ENDIF #ENDFOR #ENDAT #! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ !# #AT(%WindowManagerMethodCodeSection,'Kill','(),BYTE'),PRIORITY(9000) #IF(%jwRememberKeys AND ITEMS(%SettingFields)) #CALL(%Header, 'Higher Keys') #FOR(%SettingFields) INIMgr.Update('%FullSectionName','%SettingField',%SettingField) #ENDFOR #CALL(%Header, 'Higher Keys') #ENDIF #ENDAT #! #! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ !# #GROUP(%HEADER,%HeaderDescription) #! #DECLARE (%HeaderLength) #DECLARE (%LeftOfHeader) #DECLARE (%LeftOfHeaderLength) #DECLARE (%RightOfHeader) #DECLARE (%RightOfHeaderLength) #SET (%HeaderLength, LEN(%HeaderDescription)) #IF (%HeaderLength) #SET (%LeftOfHeaderLength, 45 - INT(%HeaderLength/2)) #SET (%RightOfHeaderLength, 90 - %HeaderLength - %LeftOfHeaderLength) #SET (%LeftOfHeader, ALL('-', %LeftOfHeaderLength)) #SET (%RightOfHeader, ALL('-', %RightOfHeaderLength)) ! %LeftOfHeader %HeaderDescription %RightOfHeader ! #ELSE #SET (%LeftOfHeader, ALL('-', 92)) ! %LeftOfHeader ! #ENDIF #!

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