` Locators for additional sort fields (Jim Kane) - Icetips Article
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ABC: Locators for additional sort fields
1999-04-02 -- Jim Kane
Newsgroups: comp.lang.clarion > The quaestion is that how can I assign a locator on this 'virtual > key' - if the view sorted in that order it means that could be a locator. > Any ideas? Here is an example of adding a locator for an additional sort field (acc:ar_id) that is the 2nd field in the order (one keyfield then the additional sort field): !data MyLoc IncrementalLocatorClass !Thiswindow.init after Brw1.addsortorder for the order to use the locator for BRW1.AddSortOrder(BRW1::Sort0:StepClass,job:SCHEDX) BRW1.AddRange(job:DPT_ID,Loc:dpt_id) BRW1.AppendOrder('acc:ar_id') BRW1.SetFilter('(JOB:SCH_DATE=LOC:DATE)') BRW1.AddField(acc:AR_ID,BRW1.Q.acc:AR_ID) BRW1.ADDLOCATOR(MYLOC) !!! MYLOC.INIT(?LOC:ar_id,ACC:AR_ID,1,BRW1)!!! BRW1.GetFreeElementName PROCEDURE() ReturnValue ANY CODE rETURNVALUE &= ACC:AR_ID !!! RETURN(RETURNVALUE) !!! ReturnValue = PARENT.GetFreeElementName() BRW1.GetFreeElementPosition PROCEDURE() ReturnValue BYTE,AUTO CODE RETURN(2) !!!additional sort field is 2nd in prop:order ReturnValue = PARENT.GetFreeElementPosition() BRW1.SetSort PROCEDURE(BYTE OrderNumber) ReturnValue BYTE,AUTO CODE ReturnValue = PARENT.SetSort(OrderNumber) If ~firsttime1# and ordernumber=1 self.sort.freeelement &=acc:ar_id firsttime1#=1 put(self.sort) end RETURN ReturnValue HTH, --- Jim Kane

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