` Enumerating printers (Ralf Schoeffler ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Enumerating printers
1999-11-03 -- Ralf Schoeffler
Here is a procedure that store the printers in a queue. Best Regards Ralf Schoeffler !----------------------------- snipp --------------------------------------------------------- ! inside the global map MODULE('WINAPI') EnumPrintersA(ULONG,*CSTRING,ULONG,*BYTE,ULONG,*ULONG,*ULONG),BOOL,PASCAL,RA W END !DATA flag ULONG pname CSTRING(255) level ULONG cbBuf ULONG cbBuffer STRING(65536) pcbNeed ULONG pcRetrun ULONG pPrinterEnum BYTE OVER(cbBuffer) ret LONG zeiger LONG,DIM(16384) OVER(cbBuffer) tstr STRING(250) tbyte BYTE pPrinter Queue Name STRING(32) Port STRING(60) SPrinter BYTE END !CODE flag = 2 ! PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL pname = '' ! Cstring(255) level = 2 ! Printer_Info_2 cbBuf = 65536 ! Size of cbpBuffer pcbNeed = 0 ! Struktur in Bytes pcRetrun = 0 ! Anzahl der Drucker ret = EnumPrintersA(flag,pname,level,pPrinterEnum,cbBuf,pcbNeed,pcRetrun) loop p# = 0 to pcRetrun - 1 clear(pPrinter) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ! printername !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- tstr = '' loop i# = 0 to 32 peek(zeiger[2+(p#*21)]+i#, tbyte) if tbyte = 0 then break end tstr[i#+1] = chr(tbyte) end pPrinter:Name = tstr !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ! Standard Printer !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- if clip(pPrinter:Name) = clip(PRINTER{PROPPRINT:Device}) then pPrinter:SPrinter = 1 end !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ! Printerport !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- tstr = '' loop i#=0 to 32 peek(zeiger[4+(p#*21)]+i#,tbyte) if tbyte=0 then break end tstr[i#+1]=chr(tbyte) end pPrinter:Port = tstr pPrinters = pPrinter add(pPrinters) end !loop !----------------------------- snipp ---------------------------------------------------------

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