` Manually controlling autoinc fields (Shawn Simmons ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Manually controlling autoinc fields
1998-12-23 -- Shawn Simmons
1) Create A Local Variable in your form called RECORDADDEDFLAG and set it to a byte. 2) In the Windows init priority 1 method: If GlobalRequest = InsertRecord Set(Ven:PrimaryKey) Previous(Vendors) If Error() Then RecordID# = 1 Else RecordID# = VEN:RecordID+1. Get(Vendors,0);Clear(Ven:Record) Ven:RecordID = RecordID# !Prime any other fields here Access:Vendors.Insert() Relate:Vendors.Fetch(Ven:PrimaryKey) GlobalRequest = ChangeRecord RecordAddedFlag = True End 3) At Windows Kill Method priority 4000: If Self.Response = RequestCancelled AND RecordAddedFlag Then Relate:Vendors.Delete(0). 4) I know this is a brute force way of defining the AUTOINC, but it has NEVER failed me. Make sure that you remove the AUTOINC attribute from the primary key in your access table.

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