` Prevent Novell BoarderManager from caching IC pages (Don Childers ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Prevent Novell BoarderManager from caching IC pages
1998-08-11 -- Don Childers
Thanks to Tony Goldstein and Taufiq Habiby, I finally have a solution for CWIC applications behind BorderManager's proxy cache. CWIC creates all HTML pages with the same name; appname.htm. Tony suggested using the time to uniquely name each page. This helped, but there were still problems. Then Taufiq recommended using the BorderManager Cache Bypass to specify a pattern (in the URL) that would not be cached. I decided to use "nc" as the first two characters of the pagename, then use "/nc" as the pattern to bypass. This works! The final fix is one line of code in ICWINDOW.CLW in the WebWindowClass.TakeEvent Procedure. It follows the CASE(EVENT()) OF EVENT:NewPage, as shown below. The line begins SELF.Files.BaseName and is continued on the second line. this creates a filename like nc123456.htm which is unique for each page served. CASE (EVENT()) OF EVENT:NewPage SELF.Files.BaseName[Content:Html] = 'nc' & | SUB(FORMAT(CLOCK(),@n07),2,6) & '.htm' IF (SELF.Server.GetReadyForPage()) Tony also recommended I do the same for SELF.Files.BaseName[Content:Jsl] but I haven't made that change yet, and it seems to be working OK so far. This is at least a starting place for anyone wanting to run CWIC apps behind a Novell BorderManager proxy cache. PS. Note that users INSIDE the firewall will still have problems; however, if they're inside the firewall they should use the Windows EXE of the application instead of running the AppBroker version through a browser anyway.

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