` Getting file date and time without opening file - API call (Todd Carlson ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Getting file date and time without opening file - API call
1998-04-24 -- Todd Carlson
Getting Created, Modified and Last Accessed file date and time without opening file - API call (Directory will not give created and last accessed dates) GetFileTime requires that you open the file, this code will do the same thing, (and more) without opening the file, if you have the file open, you should be able to use this as a guide to get GetFileTime working. BTW - I just wrote this off the top of my head so I don't know if this will compile or not, but I know the code is solid. Oh, it's 32bit only. FILETIME GROUP,TYPE dwLowDateTime DWORD dwHighDateTime DWORD END WIN32_FIND_DATA GROUP,TYPE dwFileAttributes DWORD ftCreationTime GROUP(FILETIME). ftLastAccessTime GROUP(FILETIME). ftLastWriteTime GROUP(FILETIME). nFileSizeHigh DWORD nFileSizeLow DWORD dwReserved0 DWORD dwReserved1 DWORD cFileName CSTRING( FILE:MaxFilePath ) cAlternateFileName CSTRING( 14 ) END SYSTEMTIME GROUP,TYPE wYear WORD wMonth WORD wDayOfWeek WORD wDay WORD wHour WORD wMinute WORD wSecond WORD wMilliseconds WORD END CLAFILETIME GROUP,TYPE FileDate LONG FileTime LONG END INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE EQUATE(4294967295) iFileName CSTRING(255) iFileFind GROUP( WIN32_FIND_DATA ). iFindHandle DWORD iFileTime GROUP( CLAFILETIME ). MAP ConvertFileTime( FILETIME iTimeSource, *CLAFILETIME iTimeDest ) MODULE('WinAPI') GetLastError(),DWORD,PASCAL,RAW,DLL(dll_mode) FileTimeToSystemTime(*FILETIME lpFileTime, *SYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime),BOOL,RAW,PASCAL,DLL(dll_mode),PROC FileTimeToLocalFileTime(*FILETIME lpFileTime, *FILETIME lpLocalFileTime),BOOL,RAW,PASCAL,DLL(dll_mode),PROC FindFirstFile( *cSTRING lpFileName, *WIN32_FIND_DATA ),HANDLE,RAW,PASCAL,DLL(dll_mode),NAME('FindFirstFileA') FindClose( HANDLE hFindFile ),BOOL,RAW,PASCAL,dll(dll_mode),PROC END END CODE iFindHandle = ZERO iFileName = 'C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT' iFindHandle = FindFirstFile( iFileName, iFileFind ) IF iFindHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE STOP( 'Unable to find File!' ) FindClose( iFindHandle ) RETURN ELSE CLEAR( iFileTime ) ConvertFileTime( iFileFind.ftCreationTime, iFileTime ) STOP( 'File was Created - ' & FORMAT( iFileTime.FileDate, @d3 ) & ' @ ' & FORMAT( iFileTime.FileTime, @T4 ) ) ConvertFileTime( iFileFind.ftLastAccessTime, iFileTime ) STOP( 'File was Last Accessed - ' & FORMAT( iFileTime.FileDate, @d3 ) & ' @ ' & FORMAT( iFileTime.FileTime, @T4 ) ) ConvertFileTime( iFileFind.ftWriteTime, iFileTime ) STOP( 'File was Written- ' & FORMAT( iFileTime.FileDate, @d3 ) & ' @ ' & FORMAT( iFileTime.FileTime, @T4 ) ) FindClose( iFindHandle ) END RETURN ConvertFileTime PROCEDURE( *FILETIME iTimeGroup, *CLAFILETIME iTimeDest ) iTempLocalTime GROUP(FILETIME). iTempSystemTime GROUP(SYSTEMTIME). CODE FileTimeToLocalFileTime( iTimeGroup, iTempLocalTime ) FileTimeToSystemTime( iTempLocalTime, iTempSystemTime ) iTimeDest.FileDate = DEFORMAT( iTempSystemTime.wMonth & '/' & iTempSystemTime.wDay & '/' & iTempSystemTime.wYear, @d2 ) iTimeDest.FileTime = DEFORMAT( iTempSystemTime.wHour & ':' & iTempSystemTime.wMinute & ':' & iTempSystemTime.wSecond, @t4 ) RETURN Carl Barnes notes: WORD is normallay ULONG but in this case its USHORT so the code should be: SYSTEMTIME GROUP,TYPE !System time struct wYear USHORT wMonth USHORT wDayOfWeek USHORT wDay USHORT wHour USHORT wMinute USHORT wSecond USHORT wMilliseconds USHORT END

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