` Saving and restoring custom colors for ColorDialog (Larry Sand) - Icetips Article
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Windows API: Saving and restoring custom colors for ColorDialog
2003-09-10 -- Larry Sand
Newsgroups: softvelocity.products.c55ee | > The ChooseColor common dialog is really easy to call. Shout | > if you need an example. | | Sure, fire away. !============================================ ! Using the ChooseColor common dialog in Clarion ! Written by Larry Sand !============================================ PROGRAM CC_RGBINIT EQUATE(00000001h) CC_FULLOPEN EQUATE(00000002h) CC_PREVENTFULLOPEN EQUATE(00000004h) CC_SHOWHELP EQUATE(00000008h) CC_ENABLEHOOK EQUATE(00000010h) CC_ENABLETEMPLATE EQUATE(00000020h) CC_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE EQUATE(00000040h) CC_SOLIDCOLOR EQUATE(00000080h) CC_ANYCOLOR EQUATE(00000100h) _CHOOSECOLOR GROUP,TYPE lStructSize UNSIGNED hwndOwnder UNSIGNED hInstance UNSIGNED rgbResult LONG lpCustColors LONG Flags UNSIGNED lCustData LONG lpfnHook LONG lpszTemplateName LONG END NCUSTOMCOLORS EQUATE(16) MAP MODULE('Win32Api') ChooseColor(*_CHOOSECOLOR lpcc| ), BOOL, PASCAL, RAW, NAME('ChooseColorA'), PROC END END W WINDOW('Using the ChooseColor dialog Win32'),AT(,,277,179),| FONT('MS Sans Serif',8,,),SYSTEM BUTTON('Choose Color'),AT(9,12,55,14),USE(?ChooseColorButton) END cc LIKE(_CHOOSECOLOR) aCustomColors LONG,DIM(NCUSTOMCOLORS),AUTO i LONG,AUTO hwndW UNSIGNED,AUTO Code Open(W) hwndW = W{PROP:Handle} !------------------------------------------- !First inintialize the custom color array to !all white. Or use your serialized values. !------------------------------------------- LOOP i = 1 TO NCUSTOMCOLORS aCustomColors[i] = COLOR:White END ACCEPT IF FIELD() = ?ChooseColorButton IF EVENT() = EVENT:Accepted !------------------------------------------- ! Initialize the CHOOSECOLOR structure. See ! MSDN for all of the options. Here, I'm telling ! the color dialog to select and display the color ! specified in cc.rgbResult and show the expanded ! dialog for the custom color picker. !------------------------------------------- cc.lStructSize = SIZE(cc) cc.hwndOwnder = hwndW cc.Flags = BOR(CC_RGBINIT, CC_FULLOPEN ) cc.lpCustColors = ADDRESS(aCustomColors) !------------------------------------------- ! Before calling the common dialog you must ! call unlockthread in Clarion versions < C6 !------------------------------------------- UNLOCKTHREAD() ChooseColor(cc) !ChooseColor returns 0 when you click the Cancel button LOCKTHREAD() ! Show the result by changing the client area to the selected color W{PROP:Color} = cc.rgbResult END END END RETURN

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