In Clarion 9.1 and 10 you can change the fonts for the IDE. This makes it easy to customize the IDE to look the way you want it to.  Personally I change the environment fonts to Segoe UI 9pt for dialogs and listboxes and Segoe UI 17pt for the Start page.


I use good, old, boring Courier New 10pt for the editor but you might want to try Consolas, Lucinda Console or some other fonts.  Somehow I have ended up with one of Adobe's font on my laptop, "Source Code Pro" which comes in several different versions (black, semi-bold, light, extra-light)  The normal one looks pretty good, but I haven't really used it.  I have also used Droid Sans Mono which is a Google font.  If you want to find fonts to use in your editor, something other than Courier New, then go to fontsquirrel and have a look around.

Note that you must restart the IDE for the font changes to show.  This applies to all the font settings, also the Text Editor settings, which is a bit of a bother as you have to restart the IDE just to see how the fonts look like.  My suggestion is to load some code into WordPad and use it to pick a font that looks good to you and start from there.  WordPad has a nice feature where it will automatically reformat the text when you hover over a font in the font selection drop-down so it's easy to see how the font will affect the code.  See the video below for a demonstration.

Hope this will help you set up your environment to your liking:)

Update:  Here is an article, while from 2010, contains a nice collection of monospaced programming fonts:

Arnor Baldvinsson