` Double Buffering image draws (Andy Ireland) - Icetips Article
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Windows API: Double Buffering image draws
2002-09-16 -- Andy Ireland
Newsgroups: TopSpeed.Topic.Third_Party Hi Ville, > Yes, this message is sent to a window when it's background needs to > be erased . This happens because windows are usually painted using > a 2-stage process: > > - WM_ERASEBKGND: clear the background > - WM_PAINT: draw the contents on top It is quicker to draw everything on WM_ERASEBKGND. As for memory overhead and speed for double buffering, it's not really noticeable. Most applications use double buffering and it's not a problem. Likewise so does the OS. IMO double buffering is absolutely a requirement for skinning. You do not necessarily have to do the whole image everytime either, you could just do the invalidated portion using the extents sent to you. > This makes it easy to draw a windows contents, every time you receive > a WM_PAINT message, you know that you have a nice fresh canvas to > draw on. > However, drawing a window twice (once with WM_ERASEBKGND and > once again with WM_PAINT) will cause the window to flicker. > Open up notepad, type something and then resize the window and see > how Microsoft is demonstrating the flickering ;-) Do the same on a professional product. Double buffering is worth it. > Dunno what is the fundamental purpose for this property... Andy? Double buffering probably I think it causes the image to be persisted to a DC and all other operations drawn to same, then flushed but only SV would know for sure. I suppose I could check this out in Boundschecker and see what it calls. IMO, not buffering looks worse every time. The speed hit is negligable in the grand scheme of things and if it's not noticeable but not doing it is, I know what I'd choose and do choose. Here's a clarion example.... AppClient.OnPaint procedure(PWDevice DC, <*_RECT_ UpdateRect>) Bmp PWBitmap sizeBmp like(SIZE),auto rcClient like(_RECT_),auto rcImage like(_RECT_),auto hdcMem long,auto hCompatBmp long,auto hBmpOld long,auto DCM PWDevice AppWin &AppWindow code AppWin &= address(self.AppWin) if GetClientRect(self.GetHandle(), rcClient) hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(DC.GetHandle()) if hdcMem hCompatBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(DC.GetHandle(), rcClient.right - rcClient.left, | rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top) if hCompatBmp hBmpOld = SelectObject(hdcMem, hCompatBmp) if DCM.Init(hdcMem, false) if AppWin.fActive if Bmp.LoadBitmap(IDB_IM1) if Bmp.GetBitmapDimensions(sizeBmp, DCM.GetHandle()) GetClientRect(self.GetHandle(), rcClient) rcImage.left = ((rcClient.right - rcClient.left) / 2) - (sizeBmp.cx / 2) rcImage.top = ((rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top) / 2) - (sizeBmp.cy / 2) rcImage.right = rcImage.left + sizeBmp.cx rcImage.bottom = rcImage.top + sizeBmp.cy assert(DCM.DrawImageAt(, rcImage.left, rcImage.top, IDB_IM1, rcImage, 000ffffffh)) end Bmp.Destruct() end end end BitBlt(DC.GetHandle(), rcClient.left, rcClient.top, rcClient.right, rcClient.bottom, DCM.GetHandle(), 0, 0, SRCCOPY) SelectObject(hdcMem, hBmpOld) DeleteObject(hCompatBmp) end DeleteDC(hdcMem) end end AppWin.PaintCnt += 1 if AppWin.PaintCnt = 2 AppWin.fActive = true. return true It draws to the memory DC first DCM, the to the DC for the window. Regards Andy Plugware Solutions.com Ltd, taking the puzzle out of I.T Tel : +44 1249 813335 Fax : +44 1249 813462

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