www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 1/25/2016    

Windows Class Overview

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The Windows Class is the second class in the hierarchy and is derived from the Core Class.  The Windows class contains various useful functions that call on various core API functions.


ITWindowsClass           Class(ITCoreClass),TYPE,Module('ITWindowsClass.clw'),Link('ITWindowsClass',_ITUtilLinkMode_),DLL(_ITUtilDllMode_)


AppframeClientHandle       Long

ChildWindows               &ChildWindowQ

FrameColor                 Long

IsVista                    Byte !! True if MajorVersion => 6

IsWindowOnTop              Byte

MajorVersion               Long

MinorVersion               Long

ModuleWindows              &ChildWindowQ

SaveNewBrush               Long

SaveOldBrush               Long

ThemedControls             &tThemedControls

TopWindows                 &ChildWindowQ

VersionBuildNr             Long

VersionInformation         String(128)

VistaHasUAC                Byte

VersionPlatformID          Long          

W95HiBuildNr               Short

W95LoBuildNr               Short

WindowStyle                Long

WindowsColorChanged        Byte

LastActiveTime             Long

LastActiveTick             Long



ActivateWindow             Procedure(String pWindowTitle)

APIErrorHandler            Procedure(String pCaption),VIRTUAL

Disable64bitRedirection    Procedure(),Byte,PROC  !! Disable 64bit File System redirection.

EnumChildWin               Procedure(Long phWnd),Long  ! Returns the number of enumerated child windows

EnumModuleWin              Procedure(String pModuleName),Long

EnumTopWin                 Procedure(),Long  ! Returns the number of enumerated top windows

FindWindow                 Procedure(String pCaption, Byte pFindInCaption=True, Byte pFullMatch=False),Long,PROC,VIRTUAL  ! Returns hwnd or 0

GetBaseControlName         Procedure(Long pFEQ),String

GetBaseControlName         Procedure(String pLabel, Byte pUpper),String

GetCommandLineLen          Procedure(),Long

GetControlName             Procedure(Long pFEQ, Byte pRemoveQM=0),String

GetDialogUnit              Procedure(Byte pVertical),Long

GetExeFromWindowHandle     Procedure(Long pHwnd),String

GetIdleTime                Procedure(),LONG

GetLastInputTime           Procedure(),LONG

GetPIDFromWindowHandle     Procedure(Long pHwnd),IT_DWORD

GetPixelHeight             Procedure(Long pFEQ),Long

GetPixelPos                Procedure(Long pFEQ, Long pC),Long

GetPixelPosition           Procedure(Long pFEQ,<*Long pX>,<*Long pY>,<*Long pW>,<*Long pH>)

GetPixelWidth              Procedure(Long pFEQ),Long

GetPixelXPos               Procedure(Long pFEQ),Long

GetPixelYPos               Procedure(Long pFEQ),Long

GetPopupXY                 Procedure(Long pFEQ,<*Long pX>,<*Long pY>)

GetScreenBaseDPIRatio      Procedure(),Real

GetScreenDPI               Procedure(),Long

GetScreenDPIRatio          Procedure(),Real

GetScreenX                 Procedure(Long pFEQ),Long

GetScreenY                 Procedure(Long pFEQ),Long

GetSysMetrics              Procedure(Long pIndex),Long  ! Wrapper for GetSystemMetrics

GetSysParamInfo            Procedure(Long pAction, <Long pParam>, <*? plpvParam>, Long pWinIni),Long,PROC  !! Wrapper for SystemParametersInfo

GetTaskbarHeight           Procedure(),Long

GetThemedPanelFEQ          Procedure(Long pPanelFEQ),LONG

GetWindowVersion           Procedure(),String,PROC

IsProgramRunning           Procedure(String SemaphoreValue),BYTE

IsTerminalServer           Procedure(),Byte

MakeLangID                 Procedure(UShort usPrimaryLanguage, UShort usSubLanguage),UShort

PlaceControlForDPI         Procedure(Long pFEQ, <Long pDesignDPI>)  ! Sets X, Y, W and H

RedrawClientArea           Procedure

RemoveWindowColor          Procedure(),BYTE

ResizeControlForDPI        Procedure(Long pFEQ, <Long pDesignDPI>)  ! Sets W and H

Revert64bitRedirection     Procedure(),Byte,PROC  !! Revert 64bit File System redirection.

SetControlFonts            Procedure(Long pFrom, Long pTo)

SetControlPositions        Procedure(Long pFrom, Long pTo)

SetControlProp             Procedure(Long pFEQ, Long pProperty, String pValue)

SetPixelHeight             Procedure(Long pFEQ, Long pValue)

SetPixelPos                Procedure(Long pFEQ, Long pC, Long pValue)

SetPixelPosition           Procedure(Long pFEQ,<Long pX>,<Long pY>,<Long pW>,<Long pH>)

SetPixelWidth              Procedure(Long pFEQ, Long pValue)

SetPixelXPos               Procedure(Long pFEQ, Long pValue)

SetPixelYPos               Procedure(Long pFEQ, Long pValue)

SetToolboxCaption          Procedure(Long phwnd, Byte pSetOn=True)

SetWindowColor             Procedure(Long pColor)

SetWindowNotOnTop          Procedure

SetWindowOnTop             Procedure

SetWindowPosition          Procedure(Long pX, Long pY, Byte pSetPixels=True)

SetWindowSize              Procedure(Long pWidth, Long pHeight, Byte pSetPixels=True)

ThemeAPanel                Procedure(Long pPanelFEQ)

UsesClearType              Procedure(),Byte  !! Returns true/false if the computer is using ClearType

UsingLargeFonts            Procedure(),Byte

WindowInfoToODS            Procedure(String pProcedureName),VIRTUAL


Construct                  Procedure

Destruct                   Procedure



For examples of how to use the Window class, please refer to the Example Program procedures for the Windows Class.


See also:

Windows Functions on MSDN




Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/windows_overview.htm