www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 5/9/2015    

Windows Class: GetDialogUnit

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Prototype: (Byte pVertical),Long


pVerticalIndicates if the Dialog unit value should be for Vertical or Horizontal.


ReturnsReturns the dialog base units for height or width of a standard system font character.


The Dialog Units are used in Clarion (and other languages) to get uniform sizes of dialogs independent on what fonts are used for the window and what resolution is used.  This method returns the calculated values based on the GetDialogBaseUnits api.  This method is used in the UsingLargeFonts method to determine the size of the dialog units.




ITW  ITWindowsClass



Loc:DialogUnitsString = 'Dialog units: ' &|

                        ITW.GetDialogUnit(False) & 'x' &|



See also:





Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/getdialogunit_window.htm