www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 11/14/2010    

INI Class: Update

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Prototype: (STRING ProcName,WINDOW W)


ProcNameName of the procedure
WWindow reference


This method overrides the Update method in the ABC INIClass to allow the application frame to open on the monitor where it was closed on.  The default settings in the ABC INI class is that if the application frame is maximized the X and Y position isn't written to the INI file.  When the application frame opens again it will therefore default to being at X,Y screen coordinates 0,0, which will normally be on the primary monitor.

Use this class along with the Window Fixer product to make sure that your application frame opens up on the correct monitor.


See also:

Window Fixer


Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/update_ini.htm