www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 5/15/2016    

Global Extension Template: Global Call ShowFileRecord from Browse

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This global template adds code to all browse procedures that enables you to call a procedure to view the information from the primary file record.  Please see the "Icetips ShowFileRecord Wizard" utility template that you can use to create the a procedure.  This procedure can be called with a hotkey and will show the information for the file and the file record currently active in the selected browse box.



Procedure to callThis should be a procedure previously created with the "Icetips ShowFileRecord Wizard" template. 


Alert keySelect a key that will be used in all browse controls to open the ShowFileRecord procedure specified in the "Procedure to call" dropdown.  This key is global to the application.  If you click on the [...] button next to the Alert key entry you will get a key selection window that you can use to pick the key.  Just hit the combination that you want on the keyboard or select the mouse buttons.  You can specify any combination of Shift, Ctrl and Alt keys.





You have the option to quickly and easily exclude procedures from implementing this option.  Just selected them on the list on the "Exclude Procedures" tab and the code to call the ShowFileRecord procedure will not be generated.



Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/globalcallshowrecordfrombr.htm