Upgrade issues

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Upgrading from version 1.4 or earlier


Some groups has been renamed to be consistent with the prefixing added to API prototypes. If you have handcode using one of the following groups, this code has to be changed to use the new names:


Old name

New name








Upgrading from version 1.3.1 or earlier


Insert the Global template "XPTaskPanelGlobal - XP Taskpanel Global" to all apps using the control-template.

You should also add this template to your data-dll, and remove the deprecated multi-dll template.


From version 1.4 Taskpanel is full sourcecode. Thiis means that no extra dll's needs to be deployed with your application.




Upgrading from version 1.22 or earlier



To improve the template, some changes where necessary. The most significant change is the ID-system. This is the only change that requiers you to modify your code (a little bit).


In your embed-code, all ID's should be prefixed with the name of the Taskpanel object (eg. Taskpanel1).


Old code:


Case HeaderID

Of HID:MyFirstHeader

   Case TaskID

   Of TID:Task1






New code:


Case HeaderID

Of Taskpanel1.HID:MyFirstHeader

   Case TaskID

   Of Taskpanel1.TID:Task1        





Now you should delete all those local variables previously used to store the ID.


The template will also generate one embed point for each task, for you to put your code directly into, and forget about the Case-statements and ID's.



The action "Execute control" has been removed. If you use this action in your template, you should change it to "Post Event".




Upgrading from version 1.11 or earlier


When uppgrading from version 1.11 to 1.2 you might have to do some changes to your application.


The embed-point for handcoded Task-actions (Control Events|?XPtaskPanel|Execute Task|Before Generated Code) has changed. If you use theese embeds, you will notice that they've all become "Orphaned".


The correct action to fix this is to cut'n'paste the code from the orphaned embed to the appropriate embedpoint.


For instance, you got one control named ?XPTaskpanel. Cut the code from the orphaned embedpoint and copy it to the embedpoint named:

"Control Events -> ?XPTaskpanel -> Execute Task -> Before Generated Code".


Recompile your application, and everything should work as it used to.


Direct link to this page on our website: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/xptaskpanel/upgradeissues.htm