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Follow the steps below to quicly implement a Taskpanel in your application:



Add the global template


Do-it Open your application (or create a new one)


Do-it Press the "Global"-options button (GlobalOptionsBtn)


Do-it Click the "Extensions"-button


Do-it Click the "Insert"-button


Do-it Choose the "XPTaskpanelGlobal - Icetips XP Taskpanel Global"-template




Do-it Press "Ok" two times to get back to the application


Do-it In the Application frame properties check the "Immediate" option.



Populate the control


Do-it Create a Window


Do-it Populate "XPTaskPanel" control template by clicking the



Do-it Choose the "XPTaskPanel - Icetips XP Taskpanel Control"-template


       Legacy-NOTE: Select XPTaskPanelCW instead..


Do-it Place the control somewhere on you window and adjust the size.


Add 2 global variables (you can do that in the dictionary if you want to)  Here we are using:


MainThreadID    LONG

ToolboxMenuID   LONG


In the Appframe procedure, add this code in OpenWindow event handling embed, after generated code:


MainThreadID = THREAD()

START(TaskPanelProcedure, 25000)



In the Sized window event handling embed, after generated code, add:


pix# = 0{PROP:Pixels}

0{PROP:Pixels} = TRUE

h# = 0{PROP:ClientHeight} - 4

NOTIFY(h#, ToolboxMenuID)

0{PROP:Pixels} = pix#


On the Taskpanel procedure add a local variable:


nHeight         UNSIGNED


Then, in ThisWindow.Init method, right at the beginning:


ToolboxMenuID = THREAD()


In ThisWindow.TakeWindowEvent method, priority 2501:



   IF NOTIFICATION (nHeight,,)

       pix# = 0{PROP:Pixels}

       0{PROP:Pixels} = TRUE

       0{PROP:Height} = nHeight

       ?XPTaskpanel{PROP:Height} = nHeight

       0{PROP:Pixels} = pix#




And finally in the CloseWindow event handling embed, before generated code put:


ToolboxMenuID = 0


That should be all the code you need to get the Taskpanel up and running.


Template settings


Do-it Right-click on the XPTaskpanel control and choose "Actions".


Prcarrow Now, press the "Insert"-button to bring up the "Header Editor".


    (Header Settings)


Bullet In the "Title"-field, enter "Header 1" (without the quotes)


Bullet If you'd like an icon in the header, you can select the "Style"-tab and press the elipsis-button (...) to right of the icon-field, and choose an .ico-file.


Do-it Click the "Tasks"-tab


Do-it Now, click "Insert" to add a task.



   (Task Settings)


Bullet Enter "Task 1" in the "Title"-field


Do-it Click "Ok" to add the Task


Do-it Click "Insert" to add another task




Bullet Enter "Quit" in the title-field



Do-it Choose the "Action"-tab




Bullet Action: Post Event

Bullet Event: EVENT:CloseWindow

Bullet Click "Ok" to add the Task


Do-it Click "Ok" three times to get back to the window formatter.

Bullet Save the window


Do-it Now, go to the embed-point "Local Objects -Onestep XPTaskpanel1 -Onestep Header1 -Onestep Header1:Task1 -Onestep Task Clicked -Onestep Before Generated Code", and

  enter the following code:


       Message('You clicked ' & Self.GetTaskTitle(HeaderID, TaskID))



Do-it Save, compile and run your application.


  The result should look something like this:




When you click on "Task 1" a message saying "You clicked Task 1" should appear.



You'll find this application under "Clarion6\3rdParty\Examples\XPTaskpanel\quickstart_c6.app"


Direct link to this page on our website: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/xptaskpanel/quickstart.htm