www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 5/15/2016    

Utility Template: Write Templates to file compact

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This is a powerful utility template that can write information about global extension templates and every procedure extension, control and code template used in an application to a file.  Note that this does not seem to include any global code templates which do not seem to be included in the %ApplicationTemplates symbol. 




Save to fileSpecify the file you want to write to.  The template defaults to <appname>.templates


Include Procedure...If this is checked, then the template will list all procedure extension, control and code templates.


Here is an example file from the ToolbarDemo from our PowerToolbar.  At the top are the Global extension templates and then it lists each procedure in alphabetical order and inside each procedure it lists the extension, control and code templates in that order.  Each entry shows the template label and template chain in parenthesis.  Then comes the instance number and finally the template description.  This gives you a quick and easy way to see exactly what templates are used, what template chains they belong to and what instance numbers they use. 



Application: PowerToolbarDemo.app  List created on June 23, 2012 at 12:59:31



GLOBAL EXTENSION TEMPLATES:                                 Inst     Description

  PowerToolbarGlobal(PowerToolbar)                             1     Icetips PowerToolbar Global

  XPTheme(XPTheme)                                             2     Icetips PowerXP-Theme 3

  ITUtilitiesGlobal(IcetipsUtilityTemplate)                    3     Icetips Utilities Classes Global - ABC ONLY

  ITGlobalLimitProgramInstances(IcetipsUtilityTemplate)        4     Limit Program Instance



BrowseDemo:                                                 Inst     Description



    PowerToolbarMDIClient(PowerToolbar)                        3     Icetips PowerToolbar MDI Client(3)



    PowerToolbarControl(PowerToolbar)                          5     Icetips PowerToolbar Control(5)

      ?Toolbar1 (IMAGE)

    BrowseBox(ABC)                                             1     Browse on SampleTable

      ?List (LIST)

    BrowseViewButton(ABC)                                      4     View a Record from Browse Box on SampleTable

      ?View (BUTTON)

    BrowseUpdateButtons(ABC)                                   2     Update a Record from Browse Box on SampleTable

      ?Insert (BUTTON)

      ?Change (BUTTON)

      ?Delete (BUTTON)



    EmbedInformation(ABCFree)                                  6     Embed: Display EMBED() information(6)



BrowseDemoForm:                                             Inst     Description



    SaveButton(ABC)                                            1     Update SampleTable record on disk

      ?OK (BUTTON)

    CancelButton(ABC)                                          2     Cancel the Current Operation

      ?Cancel (BUTTON)



ColorDemo:                                                  Inst     Description



    PowerToolbarControl(PowerToolbar)                          1     Icetips PowerToolbar Control(1)

      ?Toolbar1 (IMAGE)

    PowerToolbarControl(PowerToolbar)                          2     Icetips PowerToolbar Control(2)

      ?Toolbar1:2 (IMAGE)

    PowerToolbarControl(PowerToolbar)                          3     Icetips PowerToolbar Control(3)

      ?Toolbar1:3 (IMAGE)

    PowerToolbarControl(PowerToolbar)                          4     Icetips PowerToolbar Control(4)

      ?Toolbar1:4 (IMAGE)

    PowerToolbarControl(PowerToolbar)                          5     Icetips PowerToolbar Control(5)

      ?Toolbar1:5 (IMAGE)



ControlTypesDemo:                                           Inst     Description



    PowerToolbarControl(PowerToolbar)                          1     Icetips PowerToolbar Control(1)

      ?Toolbar1 (IMAGE)



IExplorerDemo:                                              Inst     Description



    PowerToolbarControl(PowerToolbar)                          1     Icetips PowerToolbar Control(1)

      ?Toolbar1 (IMAGE)



IconsDemo:                                                  Inst     Description



    PowerToolbarControl(PowerToolbar)                          1     Icetips PowerToolbar Control(1)

      ?Toolbar1 (IMAGE)



Main:                                                       Inst     Description



    PowerToolbarControl(PowerToolbar)                          1     Icetips PowerToolbar Control(1)

      ?Toolbar1 (IMAGE)



MenuTest:                                                   Inst     Description



NotepadDemo:                                                Inst     Description



    XPThemeWindow(XPTheme)                                     4     Icetips PowerXP-Theme Window Overrides

    PowerToolbarMDIClient(PowerToolbar)                        5     Icetips PowerToolbar MDI Client(5)

    WindowResize(ABC)                                          1     Allows controls to be resized with window



    PowerToolbarControl(PowerToolbar)                          6     Icetips PowerToolbar Control(6)

      ?Toolbar1 (IMAGE)

    RTFTextControl(ABC)                                        2     RTF Text Control(2)

      ?RTFTextBox (TEXT)

    RTFToolbar(ABC)                                            3     RTF Toolbar

      ?RTFToolNew (BUTTON)

      ?RTFToolOpen (BUTTON)

      ?RTFToolSave (BUTTON)

      ?RTFToolPrint (BUTTON)

      ?RTFToolFind (BUTTON)

      ?RTFToolFindAndReplace (BUTTON)

      ?RTFToolBold (CHECK)

      ?RTFToolCut (BUTTON)

      ?RTFToolCopy (BUTTON)

      ?RTFToolPaste (BUTTON)

      ?RTFToolUndo (BUTTON)

      ?RTFToolRedo (BUTTON)

      ?RTFToolTabs (BUTTON)

      ?RTFToolPara (BUTTON)

      ?RTFToolAlignment (OPTION)

      ?RTFToolAlignmentLeft (RADIO)

      ?RTFToolAlignmentCenter (RADIO)

      ?RTFToolAlignmentRight (RADIO)

      ?RTFToolAlignmentJust (RADIO)

      ?RTFToolBullets (CHECK)

      ?RTFToolBulletStyle (LIST)

      ?RTFToolItalic (CHECK)

      ?RTFToolUnderline (CHECK)

      ?RTFToolFontColor (LIST)

      ?RTFToolFontBkColor (LIST)

      ?RTFToolFontName (LIST)

      ?RTFToolFontSize (LIST)

      ?RTFToolFontScript (LIST)



OutlookDemo:                                                Inst     Description



    XPThemeWindow(XPTheme)                                     2     Icetips PowerXP-Theme Window Overrides



    PowerToolbarControl(PowerToolbar)                          1     Icetips PowerToolbar Control(1)

      ?Toolbar1 (IMAGE)



StylesDemo:                                                 Inst     Description



    PowerToolbarControl(PowerToolbar)                          1     Icetips PowerToolbar Control(1)

      ?Toolbar1 (IMAGE)

    PowerToolbarControl(PowerToolbar)                          2     Icetips PowerToolbar Control(2)

      ?Toolbar1:2 (IMAGE)

    PowerToolbarControl(PowerToolbar)                          3     Icetips PowerToolbar Control(3)

      ?Toolbar1:3 (IMAGE)

    PowerToolbarControl(PowerToolbar)                          4     Icetips PowerToolbar Control(4)

      ?Toolbar1:4 (IMAGE)



TabbedViewDemo:                                             Inst     Description



    PowerToolbarControl(PowerToolbar)                          1     Icetips PowerToolbar Control(1)

      ?Toolbar1 (IMAGE)



Welcome:                                                    Inst     Description



    EmbedInformation(ABCFree)                                  1     Embed: Display EMBED() information(1)




Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/write_templates_to_file_compact.htm