www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 1/14/2012    

Progress Class:  ShowUpdateProgress

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Prototype: (Long pValueToAdd)


pValueToAddIndicates the value to add to the CurrentValue property


This method adds the passed in value to the CurrentValue property and then calls the ShowProgress to update the progress bar and any related controls.  Normally you do not need to call this method directly, but if you are dealing with progress bars that are not determined by a simple counter, then this is the method to call.  For example if you are reading a DOS file with a 4K buffer you can use this method instead of Update and pass the size of the buffer read to it to update it correctly.



ITP  ITProgressClass

Q1   Queue

F1     Long


Q2   Queue

F2     Byte


I    Long


 !! Queues are filled here.

 ITP.Init(?Progress1,Records(Q1),True)  !! Initialize with the number of records from Q1

 ITP.AddToCurrentValue(Records(Q2))     !! Add the number of records from Q2

 Loop I = 1 To Records(Q1)


   !! Do something




 Loop I = 1 To Records(Q2)


   !! Do something






See also:





Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/showupdateprogress_progress.htm