www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 11/16/2009    

Shell Class:  SetEnvVar

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Prototype: (String pEnvVar,String pValue),LONG


pEnvVarThe name of the environment variable to set.
pValueThe value to assign to the environment variable.


ReturnsFalse if the function failed.  Other values indicate success.


This method is used to set the value of an environment variable.  If the environment variable does not exist it is added to the environment.



ITS  ITShellClass

Env  String(20000)


Env = ITS.GetEnvVar('PATH')     !! Get current PATH environment variable

Env = Clip(Env) & ';' & Path()  !! Append ; + current path

ITS.SetEnvVar('PATH',Env)       !! Set the PATH variable with the updated information.



See also:


Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/setenvvar_shellclass.htm