www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 11/30/2010    

Utility Class: MultiFileSelect

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Prototype:  (String pMfS),Long


pMfSString containing multiple file selection from the Clarion FileDialog or FileDialogA functions.


ReturnsNumber of files selected


This function is very useful when you use FileDialog or FileDialogA to allow users to open multiple files.  Then the selection is returned in a pipe delimited string where the first filename contains the path and the rest only contains the filenames.  Example:




This method splits it up and puts this into the MSQ queue where each entry contains the full path and filename of each selected file.




Fn   CString(10001)

I    Long

ITU  ITUtilityClass


If FileDialog('Select files',Fn,'All Files (*.*)|*.*',FILE:KeepDir+FILE:Multi+FILE:LongName)


  Loop I = 1 To Records(ITU.MSQ)


    ! Do something with the filename






Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/multifileselect_utility.htm