www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 11/29/2016    

Global Extension Template: Call procedure from all procedures

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This template allows you to call a single procedure from all procedures in your application.  This is extremely useful for procedures that set up windows and controls.  For an example of how this is beneficial, check out the WindowInitCode procedure in the UtilDemo.app in your "Clarion\3rdParty\Examples\ITUtilities" folder.


The template has three tabs, Options, Exclude Procedures and Support. 


The Options tab includes the main options:




Procedure to callSelect the procedure that you want to be called from all the procedures in your application except those selected on the "Exlcude Procedure" tab.


Call from Windows...Check this if you only want this to be called from procedures that have a window.  This parameter MUST currently be set to true or the template will not generate any code. 
Defaults to TRUE (Changed November 29, 2016)


Call from whereSelect the embed where you want the procedure to be called from.  There are 4 options:




Actual embed location

Start of Procedure

WindowManager.Init, Priority 500

Before Opening Files

WindowManager.Init, Priority 7300

Before Opening Window

WindowManager.Init, Priority 7800

After Opening Window

WindowManager.Init, Priority 8100

After Opening Window - Before Resize

WindowManager.Init, Priority 8110

Window.Init - After Resize

WindowManager.Init, Priority 8260


ParametersOptional parameters to pass to the procedure.  This is currently fixed on global level so it has limited use.



The Exclude Procedures tab includes a list where you can select procedures that you want to exclude:


Call procedure from all procedures - exclude procedures

Select the procedures from the list that you do NOT want to call the selected procedure. 




Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/globalcallprocedurefromall.htm