www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 9/6/2009    

Shell Class:  GetExeFromExtension

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Prototype: (String pExtension),String


pExtensionExtension to find executable for.


ReturnsThe full path and filename of the associated executable if it is found.  If not executable is found it returns an empty string.


This method can be used to find executable programs that are associated with extensions without the file existing.  GetAssociatedProg requires that the file exists so GetExeFromExtension is an ideal replacement if the file doesn't exist.  Note that the extension parameter must ONLY include the extension part, not a full filename. 




ITS  ITShellClass

Loc:Extension  String(10)


Loc:Extension = '.aprj' !! Build Automator Extension

Message('Program to open ' & Clip(Loc:Extension) & ': ' &|

        ITS.GetExeFromExtension(Loc:Extension),'Associated Executable',ICON:Exclamation)



See also:


Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/getexefromextension_shellclass.htm