Save Buttons

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This control template populates 7 hidden buttons in a group into the Previewer toolbar.  When the Previewer procedure is passed a ReportTargetSelector it automatically detects what target options are available and enables the buttons as appropriate.  This option is also used by the J-Fax Icetips Previewer support. 


Previewer - Save buttons


Retrieve target filename

This option enables the Previewer to retrieve the generated target filename.  For PDF, TEXT and XML this is the name of the file being saved.  For HTML this is the name of the first page filename.  This makes it possible to open the resulting file(s) when the export is done.  This is set to False by default.


Open target file in associate program

This requires that the Global Printer Selection extension has been added to the Global Extensions and it has the "Prototype ShellExecute for Report Targets" checked.  It also requires that the Retrieve target filename is checked.  When checked this will automatically use ShellExecute to open the exported file, be it PDF, TXT, XML or HTML, in it's associated program for viewing.  This is set to false by default.


Generate No code

If this is checked then this template generates no code.  This is set to false by default.

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