` Using same file structure to retrieve multiple fields (Dan Pressnell) - Icetips Article
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SQL Related Articles: Using same file structure to retrieve multiple fields
2002-07-07 -- Dan Pressnell
Newsgroups: TopSpeed.Products.Drivers One of the inconveniences of using SQL in Clarion programs has been the file or view structure that you have to use. The common advice is to create a dummy table on the server, so that table's structure can hold results. But look at this structure. As long as you have a table named "customer" and it has a column named "customername", it will work fine for using embedded SQL: ======================== tfile file, driver('odbc'), name('customer'), owner(glo:owner) record record f1 cstring(256), name('customername') f2 cstring(256), name('customername') f3 cstring(256), name('customername') f4 cstring(256), name('customername') f5 cstring(256), name('customername') f6 cstring(256), name('customername') f7 cstring(256), name('customername') f8 cstring(256), name('customername') f9 cstring(256), name('customername') f10 cstring(256), name('customername') end end ======================= When Clarion "opens" that file, it validates that there is a table named "customer" with a columned named "customername". If you have such a table, then you are ready to go. Now you've got a generic file structure that you can use to return up to 10 columns with any embedded sql. And you haven't had to grovel and embarass yourself by asking your DBA to add a blank dummy table to the database. Now for some code to use it: ============================= myqueue queue customername string(60) customerbalance decimal(20,2) customerid decimal(20) end code open(tfile) if error() stop(error()) end tfile{prop:sql} = 'select customername,customerid,customerbalance' &| ' from customer order by customername' if error() stop(error() & fileerror()) end loop next(tfile) if error() then break. myqueue.customername = tfile.f1 myqueue.customerid = tfile.f2 myqueue.customerbalance = tfile.f3 add(myqueue) end ======================== That code fills the queue with the result set form the SQL. The SQL can contain joins, where, order by, sums, counts, etc. It's very easy to do when you do it this way. Oh, and yeah.... it's FAST FAST FAST FAST FAST. And it works with MSSQL drivers, and I'm sure it works with other Clarion file drivers, like Oracle, etc. Later I'll show how to wrap all that up with something like this: myqueue queue Customername string(40), name('customer.customername') Balance decimal(20,2), name('sum(account.balance)') end code QueryFromQueue(MyQueue, 'from customer,account' &| ' where account.customerid = customer.customerid' &| ' group by customer.customername') Now none of this is template based, so I know many people will consider it utterly worthless. But for those Clarion programmers who actually program, it can be very useful. For those of you who have to have a template to write anything, grow up, stop being babies, getting all your nourishment from the bottle, and become programmers. Clarion is only as successful as the abilities and desire of its programming community. I've found that the reason so many companies are turning away from Clarion is that the PROGRAMMERS give Clarion a bad name. STOP IT! I'm tired of potential customers thinking Clarion sucks because they've seen Clarion programs that suck! Dan

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