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Par2: Encryption
1997-11-19 -- Kurt Paulikowski
One of the easiest and arguably most common encryption methods is to use an "exclusive or" (bxor). Not really high security, but it'll keep out most... It works something like this... loc:Data cstring(100) loc:EncryptionKey cstring(20) 1 loc:EncryptionKey = 'Whatever You Want' 2 j# = 0 3 loop i# = 1 to len(Data) 4 j# += 1 5 if j# > len(loc:EncryptionKey) then j# = 1. 6 loc:Data[i#] = bxor(loc:Data[i#],loc:EncryptionKey[j#]) 7 . Notes: First, this routine has one very interesting property: it both encrypts and decrypts your data! First, cstrings are used so your len() function is accurate (you may want to add "loc:Data = clip(loc:Data)" and loc:EncryptionKey = clip(loc:EncryptionKey) to be sure). Line 1 just assigns some value to use in encrypting the data. I could be anything, but, of course, has to be the same each time you run it. The loop (lines 3/7) steps through the data, and XOR's it with a byte from the encryption key (line 7). Lines 4 and 5 just step through the key. It's simple and relatively effective. Not recommended for government secrets though!

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