` Printed Icetips Article

Icetips Article

Par2: Template to set browse line height and font
1999-08-29 -- Khin Choy Chin
#TEMPLATE(Mytemplate,'My Personal Template'),FAMILY('ABC'),FAMILY('CLARION')
#! From   : Khin Choy Chin
#! Idea   : Here and There
#! Purpose: Free for all
#! E-mail : osmsb@tm.net.my
#! Comment: welcome
#EXTENSION(KCBrwProp,'Setting Browse Row property lineheight and
fontsize'),DESCRIPTION('[Chin] Browse
  #FOR (%Control), WHERE(%ControlType = 'LIST')

  #BOXED (''), AT(, 5)
    #PROMPT ('Browse box control name', FROM (%Control, %ControlType =
'LIST')), %ControlLabel, REQ
  #BOXED ('')
    #DISPLAY ('This extension is for browse list only.')
    #DISPLAY ('Setting the Properties of Lineheight and FontSize')
    #PROMPT ('Row height', SPIN (@n2, 5, 25)), %RowHeight, DEFAULT(10)
    #PROMPT ('Font size', SPIN (@n2, 5, 25)), %FontSize, DEFAULT(9)

! *** PRIORITY 300 ***
! Setting Browse's row Line height and FontSize
! How to do Line thickness??
  %ControlLabel{PROP:LineHeight} = %RowHeight
  %ControlLabel{PROP:FontSize}   = %FontSize

Printed April 29, 2024, 7:53 am
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