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Icetips Article

SQL Related Articles: Using Set and Prop:Where to limit a file loop
2004-04-10 -- Dan Pressnell
Newsgroups: sv.clarion.drivers

> >I agree.  Using the table works fine if you have 2-10 columns or the
> >few columns you need are all in the first 5 columns or so.  If you
> >need to start counting on your toes, you better break down and use a
> >view

> I use the following method to generate a string of fields in the proper
> that can be used in place of *
> It is part of a derived file manager so it is available for all the files
in the system.
> Not real pretty but it works. I always use DATEGrp in the name of a MSSQL
> time group structure so this method can properly handle the fields.
> SharpeFileManager.SelectString    PROCEDURE()
> Ndx         USHORT,AUTO
> FieldName   CSTRING(50)
> Sel         CSTRING(2000)
> TestString STRING(10)
>   CODE
>   Sel = ''
>   LOOP Ndx = 1 TO Self.File{PROP:Fields}
>     If INSTRING('DATEGRP',UPPER(Self.File{Prop:Label,Ndx}),1,1) AND
>       Ndx += 2
>       Cycle
>     End
>     TestString = Self.File{PROP:Over,Ndx}
>     FieldName = Self.File{Prop:Label,Ndx}
>     FieldName[INSTRING(':',FieldName,1,1)] = '.'
>     IF Sel = ''
>       Sel = FieldName
>     ELSE
>       Sel = Sel & ', ' & FieldName
>       Assert( ( LEN(Sel) + LEN(FieldName)+2) <= 2000 ,'SelectString
Maximum length exceeded')
>     END
>   END
>   Sel = UPPER(Sel)
>   RETURN Sel

If I need to do something like that, I just do this:

accounts{prop:where} = 'customerid = ' & loc:customerid
  if errorcode() <> 0
  ! do processing here

The set(accounts) will generate the SQL according to the dictionary layout,
and the prop:where supplies the where clause.


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