` Printed Icetips Article

Icetips Article

Par2: Updating variable in app frame
2009-06-23 -- Lee White
> I've got a global variable that I use as part of the app frame title 
> (AppFrame{PROP:Text}) or alternatively as part of the status bar text 
> (AppFrame{PROP:Status,x}).  I update the global in a mdi window, but there 
> is never any update,...acknowledgement in the frame, even though the status 
> bar is 'happily' updating the time every second.

The easiest way to handle this would be to create a global reference
to the frame, such as...
gFrameRef   &WINDOW

Just after OPEN(AppFrame) add...
  gFrameRef &= AppFrame

Then whenever and wherever you need to make changes to the frame you
use properties, such as...
  gFrameRef{PROP:Text} = 'Yada Yada'
  gFraneRef{PROP:Status,x} = 'Yada Yada'

No events necessary.

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