www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 3/4/2010    

Armadillo Class Overview

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This class is a wrapper for some of the functions in the ArmAccess.dll from Silicon Realms.  This class requires that you add _ITARM_ => 1 to your project defines and also add the IT_ARMACCESS.LIB to your project's  "Library, Object and resource file" section.  If this is not done the methods in this class will throw an error message when you attempt to call them.


ITArmadilloClass         Class(ITShellClass),TYPE,Module('ITArmadilloClass.clw'),Link('ITArmadilloClass',_ITUtilLinkMode_),DLL(_ITUtilDllMode_)

HideDebugView              Byte


InstallKey                 Procedure(STRING pName, STRING pCode), BYTE ! Returns true/false if the key was valid

NotCompiledMessage         Procedure(String pS)

PTD                        Procedure(String pS, Byte pHideDebug=False),VIRTUAL

ShowEnterKeyDialog         Procedure(), BYTE ! Returns true/false if a key was entered

UpdateEnvironmentVars      Procedure

Construct                  Procedure

Destruct                   Procedure



Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/overview_armadillo.htm