` Printed Icetips Article

Icetips Article

ASP, PHP, HTML, Web development: Getting data out of TPS using ASP and ODBC
2003-01-22 -- Brian Staff
Newsgroups: TopSpeed.Topic.Language

Here's a sample ASP page that will display a TPS schema (and recordset) in your

It will generate (and store) an XML file (which includes a schema and data) of
your sample data file and also present it to your browser. Modify it
accordingly for your own database.

Just save it as xxx.asp in your virtual root directory and then launch it in
your browser by issuing localhost/xxx.asp

Enjoy - Brian Staff

    ' Author: Brian Staff
    On error resume next
    dim xtable
    dim xpath
    dim strConnect
    xtable     = "yourTable"
    xpath      = "c:\yourDirectory\" 'trailing \ is required for TPS files
    strConnect = "DRIVER={Topspeed ODBC Driver};DBQ=" & xpath & ";"
    'note: after any error, you may have to restart MSIE and/or IIS
    const adPersistXML = 1
    dim xmltext
    dim objConn
    dim sql
    dim prefix
    prefix                 = "<?xml version=""1.0""?>"
    response.write prefix
    sql                    = "SELECT * FROM " & xtable
    Set objConn            = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
    objConn.CursorLocation = 2
    objConn.Mode           = 1 'adModeRead
    objConn.Open strConnect
    if err.number = 0 then
       set objRec = objConn.Execute (sql)
       if err.number = 0 then
          objRec.Save xpath & xtable & ".xml",adPersistXML
          set xmltext = server.createobject("ADODB.Stream")
          objRec.Save xmltext,adPersistXML
          response.write xmltext.readtext
          response.write "<error>select error: " & err.number & "-" &
err.description & "</error>"
       end if
       response.write "<error>connect error: " & err.number & "-" &
err.description & "</error>"
    end if
    set xmltext = nothing
    set objRec  = nothing
    set objConn = nothing

Brian Staff (Phoenix)

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