` Printed Icetips Article

Icetips Article

COM: Constructing Interfaces 2
2002-12-29 -- Andy Ireland
Newsgroups: comp.lang.clarion

This is how you would go about converting the Interface....

IItem      interface(IDispatch),com
get_Title    procedure(*long bstrTitle),HRESULT
put_Title    procedure(long rhs),HRESULT
get_ID       procedure(*long ID),HRESULT

The property methods are typically called get / set methods.

IDispatch is as follows....

IDispatch               interface(IUnknown),com
GetTypeInfoCount          procedure(*long pctinfo),HRESULT
GetTypeInfo               procedure(long iTInfo, |
                                    long lcid, |
                                    long ppTInfo),HRESULT
GetIDsOfNames             procedure(long riid, |
                                    long prgszNames, |
                                    long cNames, |
                                    long lcid, |
                                    long prgDispId),HRESULT
Invoke                    procedure(long dispIdMember, 
                                    long riid, |
                                    long lcid, |
                                    long wFlags, |
                                    long pDispParams, |
                                    long pVarResult, |
                                    long pExcepInfo, |
                                    *long uArgErr),HRESULT

and IUnknown is ....

IUnknown                interface,com
QueryInterface            procedure(long riid, *long pvObject),long
AddRef                    procedure,long,proc
Release                   procedure,long,proc

But you must determine whether you can get the raw address first. I 
think Jim Kane has shown how to do this in the past.


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